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The gang kicks off this AASS by spending a straight ten minutes swapping this week's ass stories!

*And here's a totally innocuous clip from the Guardians of the Galaxy video game: https://youtu.be/ZYQ0RiHSakI?si=1r86V0PSXcXLPjLU&t=479


Darth Pseudonym

For the record, that line about "a battle of wits, but you're unarmed" is definitely *at least* several decades older than Three Musketeers (2011). I remember that line from a list of funny usenet taglines that I read in the 90s. I believe the phrasing from the file was "I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man."

Sebastian Rives

I hope you keep cooking on the increasing accessibility of media creation and publishing metaphor Red. Once you've got your thoughts hammered down, it'd make for a pretty good vid.