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Hey team,

It's (slightly past) the first day of summer, which means it's time for an update on what's new and upcoming for OSP. TL;DR: Not much is changing for the summer, because we're really trying to go easy on ourselves. More Detail Diatribes on the way, and more of the rebooted City Minutes.

This  past season we introduced two new shows, Detail Diatribes and City  Minutes. One worked great, the other needed a rework, but we're very  happy with how both have turned out. These two shows are really exciting  to us, and we've got over a dozen video topics listed for each, but  mainly, they were designed to be slightly less labor intensive than the  average video, which has really come in handy these past few months.

For  several reasons, it's been a rough spring. Nothing has been dire, but  it's been a lot of little things adding up to become overwhelming. The  first thing to go has been the live-streams, which we've unfortunately  only done a few of all spring (but we're hoping to get back to it soon,  with a game less stressful than Hades).

Thankfully, it hasn't  affected our sacred Every-Friday upload schedule – but we've had to make  adjustments like the new shows, which give us a little bit of a break  between bigger episodes while still being Good Content (we hope). We  know that taking a break and missing a week or two is an entirely valid  option – but between 1) City Minutes being half the runtime of a typical  history video, and 2) Detail Diatribes being astoundingly fast to make  and doable on less than a week's notice – we're hoping that we can make  Easier Content rather than No Content.

So how does this affect  the upload schedule? Red's will stay about the same, alternating between  Myths and Trope Talks, but my schedule will approximately alternate  between History Summarized, HistoryMakers/History Hijinks, and City  Minutes. Exact ratio is subject to change in response to IRL schedules  (such as me and Cyan getting married later this year), but that's the  general idea. Interspersed among all that will be the occasional Detail  Diatribe, as needed. The schedule is getting a little more complex, but  we hope you really like the new content that we're bringing into the  OSParty.

SO, what videos are coming in the next couple months?  Well well well, we've got the Misc Myths of Zahak the Snake King from the  Shahnahmeh, the myth of Cow Herd and Weaver Girl, the myth of the  contest for the naming of Athens (with new pins!); Trope Talks on All A  Dream, Queer Coded Villains, and Detectives; Histories Summarized on  Britain and Naples & Sicily; History-Makers on Aristophanes and  Maimonides; History Hijinks on Rome's Crisis of the 3rd Century; a City Minutes on the British Empire, and a Detail Diatribe on Castlevania.  Many topics, excitement! We're also aiming to get back on live-streams  via Breath of the Wild. And we've got some great podcast guests on the  horizon, including Hello Future Me and Tasting History!

All this  to say that we're doing our best to take it easy for the next few months  while still providing you all with the content you're here for. That's a  tough balance to strike, and it's likely why we've noticed so many of  our peers in every single corner of YouTube adjusting their video output  to give themselves more breathing room. We're hopeful that you'll enjoy  the new content we've been rolling out, but if you don't, let us know!  We're always listening to feedback, especially from here on Patreon, and  especially especially when we do something new or different.

For  this season's poll, we've listed a handful of potential topics for future Detail Diatribes, and we'd love to hear which one you're most  excited about! Vote for as many or as few as you'd like!

Thank you for watching, thank you for supporting,  and thank you for reading. We know we're not the only ones going through  a tough stretch, so we hope that you're able to take care of yourselves  and overcome whatever challenges are in front of you.



Anthony Docimo

kudos and many congrats to the pair of you - all the best to you in your wedded life (and your lives in the meanwhile)

Catherine Mohan

Easier Content is definitely better than No Content, but No Content for a week or two is better than burn out leading to No Channel. Love the new videos! Enjoy your wedding and hopefully life will calm down a bit soon!


Mazel tov! Also, a question I had re: streams: With the podcasts now being a thing that exists, will the game streams focus more on the game's lore and story, instead of talking over it? The podcast seems to fill the niche that is what the streams mainly were in the past. And being honest, when I first saw you guys were streaming, I was excited to get to watch you guys play and react to some of my favorite games ( I think you have great taste, as defined by how closely it matches mine), and was disappointed and frustrated when the games themselves took a backseat. There's STILL some parts of Horizon: Zero Dawn that I'd love to see you guys see, and references that I'm certain Red would catch.


Congrats on the wedding! Its very OSP how casually its mentioned. And to reiterate what's already been said, I'd rather see no content for a week or two than see y'all burn out. It may just be me but it does feel like you've scaled up quickly/a lot the last couple of years. Add in the unique year this has been and its understandable you'd need a break! Also, about the streams, Journey and Abzu might be an even easier return. Even if you have played through it on stream before, I don't think anyone will care. I'd also recommend the Terra Nil Demo (game isn't even out yet xD). It's very relaxing/calming and would be good solid background for OSP shenanigans. Only problem is it might only be good for an hour or so. My posts always feel long. Sorry ^^;


I agree with Catherine Mohan’s above comment about content: easy content appreciated over no content, but we definitely don’t want to see you guys burn out. I’m not a YouTube content creator, so I can’t really speak about the effectiveness of alternatives for weekly content while you’re on break. But I have seen some creators pass the content baton while on break. Like, hire someone or get a friend to do some shorter content for a week or two while the primary creators take a break. It would be fun to see some guest animated “De-VINE Deities” for a week or so while you guys take some time off. Anyways, I hope you guys have a great wedding and enjoy the rest of the summer!

Jason Veevaert

Congratulations on the nuptials! Don’t know some of these myths but excited to learn!

James Obsidian

Congratulations on the Wedding crew! I hope you have a fun party afterward. Id say run a spartan race, but that might be more my style. Lo.

Jason Veevaert

Also, if you decide to go with the DBZ Diatribe, it would make my day if you talked about how DBZ Abridged did certain things in those arcs compared to DBZ.


Glad you are making space for life to happen. Probably the last thing you need is another Trope Talk request, but in our family we have been talking about how much we would enjoy a piece on Heroic/Redemptive Self-Sacrifice. Also, a HUGE thank you for pointing us to Leverage, we are delighted and addicted in equal measure. I think The Rashomon Job might be among the most fun bits of television ever made.