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I did a dumb.

I decided that doing a video about the aftereffects of WWII and the lead up to the new millennium — in which I discuss the origins of the Cold War and European decolonization — was a good idea for just one video.

Now, I think the script is great and this map attached below (which took an inordinately long time to make) is really cool, so I'm sure it'll turn out fine. BUT, I have zero idea what to actually title this thing, since the topic itself is so unwieldy.

SO I assembled some options here, and I'd love to hear your input. Vote for your favorites, or suggest an alternative in the comments below!





(Patreon won't let me do a poll and attach an image, but be sure to take a look at the attached map!)


WWII Fallout: War. War *occasionally* changes.

William Warren

I think either the ‘Cold War and Decolonisation’ or ‘Aftermath of WW2’ fits it best descriptively, probably a ton of artistic/pun titles available too somewhere haha

Chris Sifniotis

Honestly, for the context you're going for, "Aftermath of WWII" is the better title.


Make the title like Rocky and Bullwinkle episode titles. Something like, "The Modern World; or This Isn't My Wheelhouse, I'm Sorry and You're Welcome"


History Summarized: Aftermath of WWII - Setting Up for a Cold War


If you wanted a fairly dramatic title, You could use my boy churchills quote. And call it history summarised, the forging of the iron curtain.


Tricky since you wish to sum it up, but the Cold War almost immediately began WW2's dust settled.

Born Again Geek

Modern history sumerised: Empires to Superpowers.

Born Again Geek

Alternatively (depending on how pessimistic the video is) WORLD WAR 3: The Back Story.


Cold War but from a Third World perspective where the main powers are just getting all up in everyone’s asses and you just wanna be left alone goddamn it


You did not do a dumb :). I voted for “The World After The War”, because it sounds like the thesis of your video is how WWII (and the historical processes that proceeded directly from it, ex. the Cold War & the process of decolonization) essentially defined the world order we’ve been living in 1946-now. One that appears to be coming to an end. Would’ve picked “How WWII Created the Modern Era”, except no one agrees on when “modernity” started or ended. (In my field, “modern” = ~1945-1989, “postmodern” = ~1970-maybe 2010?, and “contemporary” = ~2000/2008-present. Depending on who you ask :).)

Craig T. White

I voted for "The World After World War II" because a lot went on in the world during the second half of the Twentieth Century. There is the cold war of course, but also as Blue said decolonization. The rise of the EU, NAFTA, Globalization, etc. Women became more prevalent in the work place. Computers, GPS, jets, cell phone, Internet, and the inter-state highway system. It is mind numbing really.