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Hey, all! I'm working on scripting the next few Trope Talks, and after asking twitter for ideas, I've selected some of the more interesting options! What would you guys like to see a video about?




There is no bad option here. Excited to see what comes out of it. (Personally looking forward to Vampires).


I voted Sins of the Father entirely because I hate the concept. I'm looking forward to whichever topic wins, though.


Lone Badass and Kid is rather relevant at the moment :D


Is it sad that i voted for Sins of the Father entirely because of MSG memes?


I voted Love triangles. Because I am as much a shipper as Aphrodite. :3


Have you killed hundreds in a war to preserve your OTP? I hear several long books were written about the fallout of the time Aphrodite did that... what were they called again?

Jacqui Pretty

Can we see ALL of them?? :D


Must not vote for everything... This could use a pick your priority (number them) kinda poll.


Foils and Fight Scenes mostly because they're things I have trouble writing :P


It does seem relevant these days, unfortunately. I look forward to seeing it get picked apart wholesale.


Macguffins - like Greek gods, they seem so straightforward, but I'm sure Red will dig up a ton of tangled threads once she starts digging ;).

Kraken Artificer

Fight Scenes and Macguffins to improve my writing; Tricksters just because I love them so much

Kraken Artificer

Yeah, I don't know if Patreon allows ranked-choice voting, but this seems like a great opportunity to use it. Because I hate to imply that I don't want the ones I didn't vote for -- I would enjoy any one of these


If “sins of the father” is what I think it is, that seems like a hilarious and interesting episodes... SO many writers could make Freud roll in his grave.


Have you done Rule of Cool? We can’t recall offhand.


I'm extremely interested a discussion of in Liar Revealed since it's one of my least favorite tropes, vs. my second choice of Lone Badass and Kid which is one of my favorites


Liar Revealed & Foils are probably my top two since I employ them in my own writing and REALLY don't want to screw them up. Especially Liar Revealed. I'm super worried about that scene because it sucked in my last revision.


They did make an entire season of Spider-Man, the Animated Series that ran with Sins of the Father as a theme.