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To all of our Patrons, every lovely, generous, inquisitive, good-taste-having one of you:

Today is Patreon’s official “Thank You Patrons!” day, and we wanted to take this extra occasion to offer our deepest thanks for all that you have done for our channel, whether you’re new to OSP, new to Patreon, or have been with us for years.

We started this channel as a fun side project because the plays of Shakespeare are too good not to make fun of, and then we dipped into classical literature, history, mythology, philosophy, tropes, vines (that one surprised even us) — gradually developing a following of more and more people who love to laugh and learn. As we made our way through college, all while working on OSP as a pet project in our scavenged free-time, we were humbled by how many people watched our silly videos, subscribed to our channel, left kind comments, and encouraged us to keep going. Soon enough here we were with an audience of a hundred thousand viewers and the life-changing thought of “oh snap, we might actually be able to do this after we graduate!”

For all the viewers in the world, that idea wouldn’t have turned into reality without the support of all of you on Patreon — from our very first Patrons back in January of 2017 to all 1200 of you here today. Your enthusiasm for our content, and your generosity to us personally, have allowed us to create content for the past three years and many more to come. Videos can be demonetized, sponsorships can be fickle, and the all-knowing YouTube Algorithm can be merciless — but your constant support means we don’t have to worry about the rug being pulled out from under us, as many channels unfortunately do — especially in the education space on YouTube.

And that last bit, most of all, is why it’s so meaningful to us that so many of you have dedicated your valuable time and money to watching and supporting our channel; it’s not about us, it’s about education. This channel has been one of our life’s greatest privileges, because we can support ourselves by doing what we love so dearly — but we’ve also been able to provide something so valuable to over one Million (still can’t really believe it) people. By working on this channel, we’ve been able to show people all around the world that Learning Isn’t Scary. One of our viewers wrote that when they created a TVTropes page for us a few years back, and it can’t be a better summary (heh) of why Overly Sarcastic Productions exists. For a lot of people, school can be scary, but also difficult, draining, demoralizing, unhelpful, and even downright mean. We’ve have both been there, and it’s why we set out to make OSP a place where anybody can come, enjoy themselves, laugh, and do anything from brushing up on a topic before a test, to getting a quick run-through of a new subject in school before diving in for class, to simply learning cool new stuff for the sake of knowing more about our fantastic world of history and literature — (Don’t forget “Watching Trope Talks to add more reasons to the list of why Avatar is the best show ever”).

In an education system where too few people feel like they’re getting the information they need, and with far more hand-wringing than ought to be necessary, we’re extremely proud to provide a simple, fun, and easy way for students of all ages to laugh and learn. ALL of that happens because of your support, yes, you. We’re not Renaissance artists over here, we don’t have some Medici bigwig paying for us to make YouTube videos, because we have something even better: the support of thousands of people from countless backgrounds who just like to watch our silly videos.

So thank you all, for giving us the support we need to make our videos without worrying about what weird policy YouTube will roll out next. Thank you for the past three years, and here’s to what we can do together in the future.

-Blue & Red 



Ah we love you guys.


It’s the least we can do for such good content and and wit you both have!

Lord Washington

You guys teach me things AND make me laugh, so I thank you.


You guys are a gift to the world. Much love.


And thank you for turning on the pain tree! I've wanted to support you both since first finding your channel, and it's been an amazing time since :D


No prob. Thank you for the quippy, entertaining, delightfully animated videos that let me learn about all of the ancient stories and history that my ADHD brain would never be able to finish reading. Love you guys, can't wait to see more.


History and Fiction are my great loves, I am sad that I can't support you more. Thank you, and keep up the good work.

Rachael Jokerst

Thank you for all that you guys do. I was past college when I first saw these but I still love to learn. I actually am on the other end of the spectrum and am now teaching lol, waaaay to young to be showing them y’all’s videos ( first grade) but sometimes I really wish I could because it’s stuff like this that really helped me learn when I was in school, something that’s no just a mind numbing wall of text ( dyslexia is a bitch) But in all seriousness 2019 has also been the toughest year of my life and sometimes the things that cheered me up and at times stopped me from ending it all was the fact that your videos gave me something to focus on and laugh at, so for that you have my most sincere gratitude... thank you both so much.


Thank you for your kind words. We're deeply touched to hear that our work has been able to bring you joy. Keep going strong, Red and I are rooting for you :) -B

Derek Moore

Honestly, thank you both for all you do. I think it's actually brilliant how you can balance true a academic content with pure unadulterated snark (something I feel we should all learn) and how neither detracts from the other, only adds. Also, even when things were a bit iffy and dark for me, you videos were always on my playlist to bring me back, and for that I can't be more grateful. So thank you, and J am glad I can help keep such a wonderful thing going, even just a little bit.

Philip Kruse

'Tis a good day when you feel proud like this. For helping with something grand like this. Keep going Red and Blue, I always look forward to your videos :)


I honestly feel like some educational YouTube channels, including yours, do more good than a lot of official educational institutions. I'm glad I can help keep your channel running.