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It was extremely hard to keep this video under 30 minutes long. Making one 11-minute video about the one person in history who I have absolutely THE MOST opinions about was doomed from the start, but I think it came out alright.

Machiavelli has been a favorite of mine for a long, long, LONG time, and he's arguably the reason that I got into history in the first place. After playing Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood, learning about Machiavelli in my European History class made me realize that History could actually be fun and interesting. Machiavelli to me was a character, rather than another name and set of dates on the page of a textbook. If not for my experience with his works, it's unlikely I'd be doing History on this channel today. (That's the short story, I say a lot more about it in my Book, if you're curious.)

Let me know what History-Maker you'd like to see next!



(No title)



Hi Blue, Thank you for the different take on Machiavelli. It gave me a different viewpoint to consider, and as always I enjoyed your video. As for a different history maker to do a video on, how about W. Churchill or Henry VIII or Andrew Jackson or Teddy Roosevelt? (There are just so many to choose from!) Please keep up the good work!


You're a bastard Blue. I had to buy Discourses on Livy after this. I'M TRYING TO BE GOOD. I DON'T HAVE MONEY FOR THIS! It's clearly your fault I did this. I hope your proud of your self.


It is important that in order to be good, a prince also know how to not be good -B

Stephen Hutchison

Irony and Sarcasm are so easy to miss when you can barely process words.


Anyone want to see the full 30 minute video?