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This was a spur-of-the-moment experiment, let us know how you feel about it!



They said it couldn't be done. They said "it's twelve times longer than the iliad and the odyssey combined!" To that I say WHATEVER MAN IT DOESN'T NEED TO BE COMPREHENSIVE IF YOU GOTTA GO FAST honestly I feel kinda bad I couldn't squeeze in even one reference to Karna. That dude was fully qualified to be the protagonist, it's just his bad luck he ended up the Powerful Rival instead. Poor guy! I had a great time making this in-a-minute summary! Let us know if you'd like to see more! And as always, tune in on Friday for our Regularly Scheduled Not-Short Content! PATREON: https://www.Patreon.com/OSP MERCH LINKS: https://www.redbubble.com/people/OSPYouTube OUR WEBSITE: https://www.OverlySarcasticProductions.com/ Find us on Twitter https://www.Twitter.com/OSPYouTube Find us on Reddit https://www.Reddit.com/r/OSP/



I like it, it's entertaining, but I hope this doesn't signify a shift away from long-form essays. I enjoy the in-depth analysis that a more generous time slot allows for. That said, this was fun. What if you did these as companion pieces, like a sparknotes version of a full-length main feature? I know, I know, more work, just a thought.


That was great!


I wish it were more like Journey to the West series or atleast to the length of Iliad and Odyssey.. 1 min? Unfair! :( It was good job and summarizing in one minute impressive but just wish it were more than that..




If it takes roughly the same amount of time to write, record and draw the episode for 1 minute as it is for the same content in 2-3 minutes, I would prefer the longer version. Sure, brevity is the soul of wit, but it is a little hard to understand all of it so fast, and your voice loses a lot of expressiveness when there is no time to pause or inflect because either of those things causes you to slow down.


I loves it. Thank you for the experiment.


i didn't think you'd be able to do justice to the text, i was wrong.


I love it, but I would also love a long form video for Mahabarata or Ramayana

Anthony Docimo

I feel this is great fun to watch and to read while its racing across the screen.


I love this :D Just one thing: Pandava is pronounced pāṇḍava (original पाण्डव) and Himalaya is pronounced himālaya (original हिमालय) ;)


I love the subject but Red, you already talk pretty fast (which is usually fine with me) but even I couldn’t understand what was going on. I’ll probably play it back at like .75 or .5 speed.