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There are many, many bad historical movies, and there are a small handful of good historical movies.  Gladiator is one of the good ones.



Summer Stupidity: GLADIATOR (Media Review!)

The first time I saw Gladiator (2000) was in Latin class, and I have maintained since that first viewing that this movie rules. Just pretend it's historical fiction and the emperors are named literally anything else, and you're set. PATREON: https://www.Patreon.com/OSP DISCORD: https://discord.gg/sS5K4R3 MERCH LINKS: https://www.redbubble.com/people/OSPYouTube OUR WEBSITE: https://www.OverlySarcasticProductions.com/ Find us on Twitter https://www.Twitter.com/OSPYouTube Find us on Reddit https://www.Reddit.com/r/OSP/


Cal Santiago

Please tell me you’ll make a video about the atrocious Clash of the Titans 2010 remake and the doubly atrocious Wrath of the Titans.

Bill Lemmond

Hi, Blue, I'm a little confused. You said "This is one of the good ones," but I think you also said "not historically accurate." I think that's a little like saying "The Day After Tomorrow" is great entertainment, but isn't scientific at all (From where did all that extra cold come?)

Anthony Docimo

wait, an entertaining movie has to be scientifically accurate? cripes, did someone tell _Day The Earth Stood Still_ this?