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Vebril Eladriandill

All this waiting is so brutal! I’m sitting on the edge of my seat at this point


Really good job with the setup and the way the characters react: I like that the reaction is to get the rookies out of the way first. Wouldn't exactly want the first thing they see to be a dead agent being hauled out of a cruiser, no. It also really helps build suspense and keep up that anxiety we've been feeling about what happened to Ambar. The panel with all the rookies being ushered out is really well done as well because it nicely illustrates the difference in the styles of agents, as well as giving that nice, fanservicey glimpse of those bodies in suits. You do that body-hugging sexiness beautifully. And I love the way you don't miss a beat between portraying those moments and then shifting back to the seriousness of the situation. You're doing great with this transition part and pacing it out really well for the issue, leaving us wanting to know if Ambar is going to make it through things okay, but not drawing it out too long.


Man, I'm on the edge of my seat!


I'm secretly praying there is still a life when the door opens.