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Back when I was writing the comic/idea/script. I never had imagine that this page would be the most expected page so far.
Thanks...THANK YOU ALL!  thank you so SO much. Everyone worried about her and all the story and the character shows me how much are you into the story. and thats, by far is the best feeling an author can have
Again. Thanks for everything!




Like Kill Bill after she got buried or woke up from her coma.


That is a fantastic wakeup sequence, and I'm really impressed by how you made it... graphic, but not visceral. It hits hard, and there's definitely a lot of relief there that she's still... well, not just living, but somewhat able to function. You did a really really great job carrying all the injuries she endured forwards into this sequence as well, and approaching it with a level of realism; unable to talk, unable to walk, barely mobile. Still really looking forwards to what happens with things next, since she's still in a hell of a situation and all, especially with all that infected material she's taken in. You've done a really stellar job with all of this, though, and I'm glad you're so dedicated to it: this is a comic I look forwards to seeing more of every day for so much more than just how many of my kinks it hits, and you've done a truly phenomenal job telling this story and bringing life to these characters.

Stellar Flare

At least she isn't dead


Oh my lord!

Bullet Bullseye

I hope Giselle comes back. That bunny had the perfect body!


Unless you find a way to Frankenstein her back... its a bit hard. She is quite dead ^^¿