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Originally it was suposed to be just a pinup of the character but creating a Streetfighter style custom of a Triumph was quite fun! Complicated, but fun ^^




god hes so hot just like the bike. i like to think the hard on alt is when he got to excited and destroyed the undies and the bike only alt is when he walked away to go take care of it xD


Really stellar work, the colors just pop so beautifully, and the motorcycle is a real beautiful beast all on her own. The detail you went into with coloring the individual parts and doing all the textures is really fantastic: love the way the shadows and lighting help bring out the shapes and gleam of metal, and how did a full drawing of the motorcycle as well as the character; you definitely could have easily hidden or avoided some of the work, so it really shows your dedication to your craft that you didn't. Really love the way you did the character, too: he's got that almost metal-colored coat, but your textures and the naturalness of his body is so well done that you know he's living, breathing flesh and he doesn't come across as made of metal himself. Really fantastic job!