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First Im sorry this long delay, quite a.... weeks... plus my wacom failing. until this weekend that I can finally fix it.
Now, about this page. I actually had tought a lot if I should do it or not, since nowadays a lot of ppl seems too picky or soft about realistic content or just try to censor everything they dont like. and Im really afraid of this whole new movement, a new book burnning era. Whe had been having absolute freedom and no censor at all  in arts and stories and fantasies, since the end of the 70s, all 80s, and 90s.. and now we are losing everything again.
Thats why I chose to do it, even f its something as soft as this, I know ppl may not like it, thats why I put a warning, to be fair to everyone. but not doing it is also wrong. we all are free, I am to do it, and everyone to not see it if they dont like it
but I have been always fighting to keep everything uncensored and keep all these freedom of ideas. so I can´t censore myself ^^
This page is what it is, because its important for the plot, what and why is happening has a reason, for the story, for the virus and why they are racional infected. And also shows what happened to Gisselle.

If you dont like violence, you just can skip it, you dont NEED it to go on or understand in the story, its just to show how things really are and provide a few important clues,

And as always thanks a lot for your suport and interest in the story.




Came for porn, stayed for the plot.


The show must go on, as they say.


I really enjoy that you're not backing away from making sure the rape is depicted very much as rape, and that it's just getting more vicious as time goes on; their goal is to kill her, after all, and they certainly don't care how much they hurt her in the process. The sadism and the cruelty is really well done, and I like how you captured the different levels and effects; you do such a great job with Ambar's expression and body language, with the effects on her body, and the way they work on hurting her even through her suit and how they push her limits. I really enjoy the way you bring out the blood and bruising, too, how you don't overdo it, any more than you overdo the tears: it really helps bring out the emotional impact without making it feel overexaggerated. I definitely feel your frustration with things, but you've done an amazing job with making sure that you're staying true to the path you wanted to set to this story, and it's good to see the rational approach you took to it rather than one that was either self-censoring, or hard-reactive. You've done an amazing job with this story, and I don't just mean the porn: you've crafted the world wonderfully and put so much thought into the plot that it helps give scenes like this so much extra impact, and makes you see the importance of these traumas and events, and really feel all the more for the character. I really admire that.