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You know that I`m usually cheerfull and only like to share good things and positive vives or just try to keep that happy attitude. As I explained a few times in the past these last years I had been taking care of my mother. due to her terminal cancer and quite advanced senility, thats why lately I had been posting so few things and got a bit behind on the comic and commissions.
My mother passed away this last sunday.  Obviously its sad, but Im in peace because it was for the better, she was suffering too much, a lot of pain, even with the strong morphine treatment. and she didnt recognize anything or anyone at this point
Now she is finally resting and I can slowly get back to my life
All this time and treatments wipe out completely my savings and time, but now Im free again. so Ill back to work on art, commissions and comics full force and full time
as always I just wanted to thank you all for your amazing support and pacience
Today I just doodle this quick one just to start again, and from now on, Ill be back with more art and comics all the time =)

Again, thanks for everything. Ill keep doing my best to entertain and fullfill all your desires ^^



Bullet Bullseye

My condolences... I’m sorry for your lost... God just needed another angel. I hope my words help.


Condolences *hugs*

Melina Swiftwind

My condolences Zorro, Sorry for your loss


I'm sorry Zorro, I hope you are ok, and also muy condolences.