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I'd like to talk about taking a character slot


How is this working with the slot?

Draki DunkelDrache

Oh, it is possible to buy a slot? Wowser! I am defintively interested in that, too. "^,.^


yeap, the one in the cover or an slot to be a character in the comic for this chapter ^^ - Citizens = 10 Slots. $30 each. Your character would be part of the world in the background in random moments and even sometimes interacting with the story - Victims = 5 Slots. $50 each. your character would be a victim in one of the outbreaks, attacked, raped and abused. - Infected = 5 Slots. $50 each. your character would be one of the infected in any of the outbreaks of the chapter. Would attack and rape without conscience or control (sort of a berserker zombie) This slots can be taken ONLY by manly male characters. - Outbreak Unit = 3 Slots. $100 each. Your character will be part of the response unit, the "heroes" This slots can ONLY be taken by female characters or girly males. everything that have a fully female personality (females, faggots, girly boys, sissies, etc)


Your Answer to Draki DunkelDrache already answered my Question


I mean can I pay next week for one tier after I get my next paycheck?

Bullet Bullseye

So you design a character for us? And it plays a role depending on which slot we buy?


Usually they give me the character they want or just their furzonas, to be put in this world or story. but I guess I can create a character if someone wanted ^^


I can now pay for one slot, how do we speak about the details?