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As you already know. I had an operation a short while ago. everything were goin perfect but an infection turn me into mush for weeks. I had to be hospitalized for a few days with IV antibiotics. and then stayed on bed at home. Thats why I haven being doing any work, pic or upload anything in any place, not even here, despite I promess to do something every single day.
I was able to sit and slowly going back to work. I´m really sorry for the all the lack of content. and I can perfeclty understand everyone that left.
Now I´m starting again wit a few things to upload, and almost finishing the next page of UNPROTECTED
I hope you had an amazing Xmas and the best wishes =)
now I wish you an espectacular new year, better and better each time ^^
HUGS tight
and thanks to everybody for all the help and suport!




Don't worry about it, your health is super important and comes first.


You just take your time to get better honey! I was wondering if you were OK when you stopped posting, hoping you were well. Sorry to hear you had to go back to hospital, hopefully the worst is behind you!!

Arkanum Zilong

Get well soon, and take your time, your health comes first.


It's good to hear that you were able to combat the infection. You're health is very important. Merry Christmas and have a great new year!


*hugs* i'm sorry you've been sick. Best wishes of health for the new year


Get well real soon <3

Raen Andaleio

Glad you're feeling better again. Don't stress yourself, heal up. We won't run away.