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Actually, change of plan. June will be business as usual, but all pledges made in May will be returned. May take a few days to process. Apologies for the hassle! 




i don’t want your filthy money!


To echo what others have already said I would be very cool with you just, like, keeping the money. I use Patreon as a way to give my favorite creators a tiny bit more financial breathing room. I'm not expecting anything in return. I appreciate that you feel like you need to give us "something to show for our money", but for me at least I treat Patreon like a micro donation so I don't feel like you owe me anything. My goal isn't to buy comics, you give those away for free lmao! My goal is to make it more financially viable for you to spend time making more. Lots of love hope to see more of your stuff, but only when you're ready ❤️


Exactly what Bruce Pulley said. I don;t put money in your Patreon jar to make you feel indebted, I do so hoping it will help you to find time to take off from work or other projects, or to take a vacay, or afford whatever, basically so you might find time to pursue the art that impassions you, not so you //have// to.


I second everyone. I love your stuff and am happy to support no matter when things are posted.


Echo everyone else. No refund needed!


Whataver works for you, we are literally here for it!


keep it dude come onnnn


Gamer, keep my money- I support you because I love your comics, this isn't a purchase


I also want to echo the same sentiments from people here: we love to support you and your work. I’d rather have you focusing on the things you need to continue sharing your talent with us versus spending time doing refunds and such.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-13 03:24:21 Keep my money. Your art has brought me so much joy during rough times. By subscribing I’m not purchasing more, I’m saying thanks for what you’ve given us already! <3
2023-06-08 20:39:51 Keep my money. Your art has brought me so much joy during rough times. By subscribing I’m not purchasing more, I’m saying thanks for what you’ve given us already! <3

Keep my money. Your art has brought me so much joy during rough times. By subscribing I’m not purchasing more, I’m saying thanks for what you’ve given us already! <3


I’d love for you to add a tier with no expectations! The goblins and witches give me enough joy even if you put nothing out in a given month.