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New adventures of the Fuckerman and the Fuckergirl in the wild West.

Full game is  available  for 2$ Patrons. 

Free preview web version on gamcore 

Android version is available in the  list of Android games



Imperial Pixe

Some of the puzzles were a bit obtuse, but I think the real issue is the detection seemed worse than usual. Picking up the bottle from in front of the bank. I was looking all over for what item the sheriff needed when really I just had to walk up to her from an odd angle.


The next logical step for fuckerman is to go to spaaaaace! :D Good stuff as usual, keep it up


Great animations, i see improvement. One critique would be making the hottest girl unavaliable after you fuck her once (the bandit). Atleast for me i play the game for the animations, not the puzzles. I like being done with the puzzles and be free to fuck whoever afterwards. Iknow we unluck the animation library in the main menu after you beat the game but its not the same, no sound, white background. But again, great work bambook


Thanks. I understand you perfectly. Because of the plot, I had to do just that.


I see, i just really loved her animations, so hot. ohwell still great. Keep it up


Man, where are threesomes? We love your games for 3somes, without them it's lame


who is we? don't speak for me or anyone else specially when you're being rude.


Has anyone found a secret passage in this game? :) Only in the Windows and Mac versions


Ok, after that post i just went on a mission and i found it!!! :)

Даниил Шестакович

секретный проход? т.е. при прохождении на 100% по полоске и активной возможности закончить игру - есть ещё не открытый контент?


Шикарный выпуск, было гораздо интереснее Summer Time в плане и загадок, и анимаций. Шериф и Девушка из салуна просто в сердечко. Надеялся, что на Диком Западе будут кони, но вышло даже круче :) Спасибо за отличную игру!


where is the secret passage?