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Internal - In Progress

  • Fourth Internal Build Version Tinkering Continued: Ongoing resourcing towards addressing the legacy issues as well as the bug list from early playtesting. This will likely remain the main focus until the team break for the Christmas period.
  • Fourth Internal Build Version Tinkering Expansion: In addition this week saw early discovery and adjustments into requirements that would allow for the game to be brought to modern video game consoles. While early days and not something we can guarantee details on at this time, we hope this will be our first game that when publicly announced will show that it is coming to more than just PC.
  • Sound: Continued assessment and tweaking of the game's soundtrack.
  • CGs and Backgrounds: Cera Tavern BG.
  • CGs and Backgrounds: Cera Bathhouse BG.
  • CGs and Backgrounds: Cera Elder's house BG.
  • CGs and Backgrounds: Below Decks of the Sunrider BG.
  • Interfacing: Further prototyping and refining on the game's UI.


  • N/A

External - In Progress

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