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(pictured above: Story board for animating an H scene, yes, it really does look that weird behind the scenes...)

Our character popularity poll has brought us the following results!

1. Mariya and Mika tied, with 20 votes each!

2. Aki in second place with 15 votes

3. Nattan and Julie tied for third with 14 votes each

4. Sasami in fourth place with 11 votes

5. And Nemu in fifth place with 9 votes!

And thus the people have spoken! It looks like either Mariya or Mika will have the honor of seeing their routes made before---

The transmission cuts off

Cue image of a nice boat

The transmission resumes

A-Ahem... It appears we have a change of plans... I-In fact, N-Nemunemu-chan, why don't you deliver us this announcement...


Everyone, thank you for voting for me in Love in Space's first Starnova popularity poll! It truly was exciting to see everyone turn out to support their idols!

Ara, but it looks like Nemunemu ended up in last place after all! Mou, but this won't be a problem! It won't be a problem at all! Because you see, the devs will make my route next!

It will be a beautiful, shining route where you too can fall in love with this sexy idol... After all, bounce is truly the meaning of idol!




The transmission cuts to static.

Intermettent screaming from the devs ensue.



Mitchell Schmitz

She's my third choice so i'm happy seeing her done first rather than last.

Mitchell Schmitz

To clarify for some there was some fine print on the poll that said there might be unexpected issues with the first route made, so they wanted to practice with a less popular girl first stating that they "reserve the right to prioritize user experience above the results of the poll if necessary." So Nemu is first because she got last, and once they know what to expect they will begin to make the more popular routes