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If not done so already please ensure you have read the previous post on this subject found here.

To expand on the previous post further details have now been confirmed about the distribution. Once the list of backers is pulled and validated we will be requesting for keys to be sent out same day via email, we are unable to put a direct time on this but it is recommended you keep an eye on both your inbox and spam folder over the course of the day.

As a result please ensure that you take a moment to have a look at the email address tied to your Patreon account so that you know where the Steam key will be distributed to. If no longer a monitored account or you have one of alternative preference then now is a good opportunity to update this.

If you are unsure about your contribution during the eligibility window please DM us and we can share confirmation if you have qualified, or alternatively how much you are off qualifying. Please also note that this contribution must also be paired with an active pledge in February, it is not one or the other unless you're a new backer pledging the full amount at this time. To reconfirm, this reward will be closed at 9AM PST on the 1st February 2023 and Steam keys will be generated to this final number.

The Patreon early release window is just shy of a week before the general release date that has now been announced for the 8th February 2023 . Your Steam keys will unlock the full version of the game and this will be the same appid that then releases on this date. No access to the game will be lost unless your account falls into bad standing along the way (such as a chargeback is reported to us).

We hope that when your key for Sunrider 4 comes through that you enjoy the game, and from all of us on the team we thank you for joining us on the journey that was the development of this game. For all remaining Patreon rewards tiers and mentions not yet fulfilled we will be looking to get these sorted in the days following the full general release of the game subject to if anything coming up last minute that requires our attention.

See you all soon in our next projects of Project Wonderland & Project Victory with more details to come.



super excited! put 100+ hours into the previous games. took off from working the next few days just to put time into this.


How are you finding it to be? I'm.....fairly certain a number of people are going to rage quit this.


I absolutely love it! As soon as I got my steam key I sat down with it and before I knew it I had already put 10 hours in. It's literally everything I had hoped for in the next Sunrider game and more. I don't really understand why there'd be rage quitting from what I've played so far. On the VN side of the game, the story is classic Sunrider goodness. The music of Sunrider has always been one of my favorite points, this reincorporates all my favourites while throwing in some great new sounds. The artwork is amazing! I had felt, especially with characters, it was kind of "meh" in the previous games tbh, likable but not notable (which I felt was the case with other Love in Space titles I'd played as well, sorry everyone). You can tell they've put a lot of effort into finding the things that needed improvement and perfecting them, because Sunrider 4 is in a whole different league compared to previous games, it's ranking up with my favorites. I actually prefer the static sprites over what some games do with full animated characters during dialog, but I know some people are bothered by that. I would like to see more CGs, but I've said that about every VN I've ever played. I get the impression that this is going to be much more detailed and an overall longer experience though, so I'm sure I'll run into more good stuff as I progress. I've been extremely impressed with the gameplay too. I felt "Liberation Day" was just a rewashed and prettied up "Mask of Arcadius." This time things have changed dramatically. The graphics are much improved yet it runs fine on lower end systems. I have a laptop with an 8th gen Intel i3 and integrated graphics I prefer to play VNs on since I can take it with me when I'm not at home, and it runs a smooth 60fps in all the places it matters. I don't want to spoil anything before the full release, but I thought the battle dynamics are really fun. The way it all works is much more realistic compared to the previous games. Ryders and ships obey the laws of physics now. Weapon systems are the same, but also very different. There was a bit of a learning curve but once I got the hang of it I was really happy with the changes. If I had once complaint, it would be that it feels a bit easy to me. I've been playing on "Brutal," the second hardest difficulty, and only recently lost a Ryder for the first time in what I guess you could call a boss fight. I'm pretty decent at turn-based strategy, including the previous Sunrider games (beat "Liberation Day" on Space Whale w00t!), so other people may have wholly different impressions. Sorry, this turned into a mini review almost, and I'm sure I've already said more than I should before the full release, but I'm having a hard time keeping to myself how much fun I'm having with Sunrider 4.


I've got 16 hours on record now and am stuck on a freezing bug at the end of Chapter 9. At this point, I'd say my initial reaction is I love the story but dislike the game overall. I'd wager ~80% of the 16 hours I have in game are on Space battles. This is on "Story Mode" difficulty. I honestly cant image this on a high difficulty level, as it moves so slow/take long enough when its "easy". I seriously have to sit and wait for all 27 enemy units to move then perform actions one at a time? As it stands, if I am able to get by this bug without having to restart, I'm probably only going to ever play it once. Pretty good chance if I can't recover from the bug, it will remain unfinished and I'll just see the endings on YouTube or something. This saddens me greatly as I've played all the others to completion multiple times.

Jean Cornejo

Be sure to check your spam folder, hadn't realized I had gotten it already


It's unfortunate to hear you ran into such a bug. I saw they seem to be dropping a new patch daily so I don't know if they've managed to clear that up or not, but from reading the patch notes it seems they're at least aware of it. I'm 28 hours in now and I think I'm about to clear Chapter 6. Turned the difficulty up to "Space Whale" back in Chapter 3 because I was having too easy of a time, yet I'm still breezing through most battles in under 5 turns. The missions that have objectives like "Survive for 10 turns" have left me thinking "Tell that to my opponents." I came into the game as much for the turn-based strategy as the story, so was expecting to do a ton of mental math and having slower turn times than average. That's what it took me for higher difficulties in the previous games. I totally understand why your experience is different than mine and I know if I were playing in a story-centric manner I'd definitely be feeling super impatient. I'm still very much loving both the gameplay and story and will be hitting up the "New Game +" option I've been seeing mention of in the patch notes when it comes time.