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How's it going everyone, it's time for another general update about the game.


We're still in the middle of making the clothing for the characters. So far, panties and swimsuits are done, but we still have a long road ahead. I think it'll take 40 more days to complete the clothes.

We'll also start making backgrounds starting now.


BGM has begun production, I think it'll take about 5 months to complete.


The scenario is now about 100 000 words long. The common route is pretty much complete. For comparison, here's the approximate lengths of our other games.

Sunrider FA: 40 000 words

Sunrider MoA: 30 000 words

Homeward: 100 000 words

Sunrider LD Capt's Edition: 120 000 words

Sunrider Academy: 170 000 words

This is already shaping up to be the longest scenario we've made... Maybe even longer than every single game we've made combined!

We'll stop script writing for now to focus on art production so that we can start betaing the common arc after more of the art is complete.


We've begun to design the stat raising mini-game, but in case anyone's confused, the game play for this release is a stretch goal so it's dependent on how much time we have... But hopefully there'll be something? It's too soon to tell so far.



I like how they post these summmaries once a month :) Good job on writtening and art. Keep it up ^-^ Also don´t slack too much on programing :) The sole reason why I sstarted playing VN was that in your games there was something to do apart from reading :)


Very cool to actually see the progress being made on a larger scale game like this. hope your guys production continues smoothly