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Hello All,

As you have noticed, a very long time has passed since the previous beta release of Sunrider: The Captain's Return. To clear up any misunderstandings, Love in Space would like to announce that despite the lack of Patreon betas, we have conducted several internal testing of new builds of the game. The reason for the lack of Patreon betas is the new reality that the world has drastically changed since we originally provided betas for Sunrider Liberation Day and Shining Song Starnova. Due to changed circumstances, I made the call that releasing half finished, untested, and still unstable test builds of the game will not accurately provide backers of the feel and actual vision of the final product that we are aiming to release. While some people may disagree with this decision, Love in Space is committed to providing the best quality of games that we can provide, so the choice was made not to release those internal builds. These builds contain placeholder assets, missing content, overwhelming bugs, and unbalanced gameplay, so they do not accurately reflect the final product which will ultimately be released. In game development, this is expected, as beta versions are gradually updated as new assets are created and bugs are fixed.

With that out of the way, the good news is that the game is basically in the final stages of production now and it will not be long until you can see for yourself what we have made. Active Patreon backers in good standing with a total lifetime contribution over the game's launch price will still experience The Captain's Return before it is made available for the general public on Steam and other platforms. Love in Space is keenly aware that many Patrons have paid several orders of magnitude of what the game will cost when it is launched. As the leader of Love in Space, I am very honored that you have chosen to back us to such a degree beyond what I could have imagined, especially during these difficult times.

Much work remains to be done to make The Captain's Return another landmark Love in Space title. I presume that we will work to improve the game during the days leading up to the release, and as typical of our games, in the days and weeks following the release of the game as well. We plan on releasing new, public, exciting content soon to promote the game as its release nears. While not much promotional work has been performed to date, that was mostly because all hands were too busy making the game. As the production wraps up, you can expect more hype building activities to commence.

Without doubt, The Captain's Return will be the biggest game we have released to date. Please bear with us in the meantime while production wraps up so you can judge for yourself whether your contribution was worth it. Having contributed several years of my life to its production, I am confident that it was worth my effort. I hope you will decide that it was worth yours too.

Sam Yang
Director of Sunrider: The Captain's Return
President of Love in Space Inc.



I won't "object" to your pacing of beta releases, but I would like to point out that the purpose of a beta is to get more eyes on bugs. Though, given your description and the mention of placeholder assets it sounds more like alpha than beta and I can understand your position based on that alone. Personally, I'd wait until all placeholders were out, the game is "feature-complete", and very close to "complete" before using two or three beta passes for polish, but that's just me.


I am just sure that your efforts were not empty and of course you made your best to create good and high -quality content! Best good luck!