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We're now approaching (although there are still pending matters and therefore there is not a confirmed date just yet) a point where we will looking to release a beta build of the game so far in order to capture some initial feedback.

As such we're now ready to clarify the details of how this particular tier reward will work with Sunrider 4 to set expectations, additional details may be added or amended at a later time:

  • Early access to the game will be provided upon the completion of key milestones in the development of Sunrider 4. These builds will not contain all the content in the final game and will use unfinished assets.
  • The early access program is a separate Patreon reward from the early release of Steam codes for the final release and gives Patreons a much sooner look at the game at earlier stages of development.
  • The membership tier you must be at to participate in the early access program will depend on the size, scope, and confidentiality required of the build. We will announce the membership tier for each of these early builds ahead of time.
  • The first early build will be given to all active Patreons at the >$5 tier. However, this is not to say that all future builds will be given at this tier.

We will provide another update hopefully soon once we have a better idea of when we plan to drop the first of these early builds in terms of a date.


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