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Hi everyone, sorry for the lack of activity on patreon the past few days.

My patreon inbox was flooded with messages when the game came out, and the Patreon messaging interface is kind of disorganized (it piles everyone's messages into a stack), so it was very difficult to answer everyone's questions. If I failed to answer, please message me again.

In terms of the game, we have released V2.00, which we hope restores the game into what the Love in Space team and the fans wanted.

In terms of the Patreon, it looks like it worked for 99% of users and almost everyone managed to get their key. I think the only issue is that if you cancelled your pledge before March 1, you vanished from the Patreon list and couldn't get the game. Some people didn't see that warning on our main page and thought they would get the game even if they cancelled. Unfortunately, it is not feasible to give games to people who are not inside our Patreon list because Patreon will not export your email or your past contributions and we would have to collect this information one by one, which sounds impossible considering that there are hundreds of people who cancelled and this number will grow as time goes on. We will make it more clear from now that you need to be inside the Patreon system by currently being a Patreon in order to get the game.

We also believe we have discovered  a workaround to this problem. If you pledge just a tiny amount like a cent before a game comes out, Patreon will actually put you back on the award list and restore your old contributions so that we can once again distribute the awards to you. We will also try to communicate this work around so that people know it exists.

We hope that everyone enjoys V2.00 and look forward to our next game.



Can't wait for the new Hg game, thanks for all your amazing work :)


Ah okay I was wondering why I didn't get the game. Pledged 20$ for one or two months, but lost my job and had to cancel. No biggie, I will wait for a sale on steam and grab it. Thank you for your hard twork! Edit- Yes, I know I came in late. Honestly, been very busy with real life. I heard it released on steam, checked my email, saw I had nothing, and figured something like this happened. Not yalls fault, just the system :).