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After multiple betas, we've identified some ways to improve the experience for patreons. Unfortunately, patreon lacks many features which we want and we don't expect them to cater specifically to us, so we will try to roll out features which people have been asking by ourselves.

Patreons will soon be able to access all previous betas, as the most recent beta, by just entering a password at our new help forum. We will distribute the password by email when your first payment clears.

Note 1: No, the final beta is not yet out. We're still working on the last beta... It's one hell of a thing, so it's taking forever... Sorry it will definitely be out, but not until it's awesome enough to be called the final beta... =_=

Note 2: Unfortunately, we couldn't implement the changes in time for most of Liberation Day's beta. However, we hope the improvements will greatly aid your experience in the beta process for all our future games.

Note 3: We haven't field tested this new system yet, so if there are problems, we may have to go back to the old system.

HELP FORUM: http://forum.loveinspace.moe/

Test password for the Patreon beta access forum: canada



Hurm, i tried the password to access the beta forums but it does not work, i even tried to copy and paste, i mean i am Canadian so i would like to think i know how to spell canada, but no luck :(

Ben Jennings (Mags)

All signed up and will give it a proper explore later. Thanks team!


I changed the password to test some stuff, the forum should be operational once the pledges for this month process.