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Download has been distributed to everyone who has paid at least $5 to date.

***You are not charged until the first day of every month, so even if you are a patreon, you might not have paid anything yet.

WARNING: THIS BETA REQUIRES A NEW GAME... or else you're going to skip new stuff


-Battle system now operational

-Attacks now display on the map

-Store and R&D operational

-Paladin can tank to attract fire with increased armor

-Phoenix's stealth now reduces likelihood of getting targeted by enemies

-Phoenix's EN upgrades are cheaper

-Armor and flak upgrades are cheaper

-Bunch of new mercs

-New PACT enemies

-Splash damage implemented

-Vanguard cannon deals 2000 dmg and has unlimited range

-Full Forward and All Guard last three turns

-Laser and Pulse nerfed

-Shield range now costs more to research

-Research now costs Intel instead of money

-Curses and buffs can now stack on top of other curses and buffs

-Enemies rebalanced to be more powerful

-Attacks can now be disabled

Known issues

-Sometimes Ava shows up without an eyepatch

-Firing missiles or rockets deselects the unit

-Melee has no animation

-Missing voices for girls


Hell, It's about time.

I just wanted this quote to link to my friends constantly when they should have done something a long time ago :P


Crystal Poxon

Okay just finished playing the beta (had to switch to waifu mode just so I could see the story before work tomorrow, will be playing through on captain from where I switched since I adore the intensity of the games difficulty) a few things to note, Iwas kinda disappointed the last few missions had basically nothing in between but I imagine that will be filled in later on since it does look just like a basic framework to go by and I do have to say though (the poll view reminded me at the end) that I am disappointed we have no cosette and I hope there is a cosette route added later (or put into a sunrider academy mkii or something) because after the ending of mask of arcadius and the opening of liberation day she has quickly become my favourite of the girls. I put Ava on the poll since she reminded me a lot of myself when I was in school but cosette is so passionate and her motives and past really reflect well on her character and I think you guys have done an amazing job on all of the characters, I'll keep supporting your stuff as long as its always this good ^.^ Side note though after seeing the stats on those ancient ships even in waifu mode I had to use tactics to do more than 4 damage at a time so I'm looking forward to captain difficulty on that one. Either way though the havoc would be a godsend against those, since that section onwards feels incomplete so far I was wondering if they were planned to release cosette mid-mission for support? their sheer durability means you would need to remove flak from nightmares then bombard the capital ships with missiles and warheads to remove the shields protecting nightmares and with the sudden difficulty spike it seems like the kind of scenario whereif Cosette agreed to help then Kayto would likely not contest the idea, even with Ava's disapproval. Just a random thought that is. And call me crazy but I don't think Cosette has deceived them yet, she has always been an open book for her intentions since she feels vindicated in her actions rather than being selfish she is fighting for others, I dunno whether this is intentional but posed plenty of interesting thoughts in my head, either way well done and can't wait for the next update

Jason Gonzalez

Not sure if this is where I am supposed to post found errors, but here it goes,