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We're pleased to announce that Idol Empire has now been approved for Steam ahead of schedule, we will therefore be speeding things up a bit and doing the Patreon early release distribution in February on the 10th (at which point the reward will be closed) - the deadline therefore for the $15+ project lifetime reward will be Feb 2020 . In summary if you're a current Patreon backer (the month of Feb) in good standing, and you've contributed $15+ between the month of November 2018 and the 9th February 2020 then you will qualify for a Steam key in this distribution. For those who haven't contributed during this period of time you can still qualify by pledging at least $15 before the end of the day for the 9th Feb at which point we will be pulling the distribution list to organise sending the keys out.

We will also be posting the full release date along with the trailer for the game on our social media accounts at some point around Feb 2nd, so remember to keep an eye out for its reveal. This trailer will also show off an additional bit of yet unannounced content that will be included at no additional cost to Patreon early release backers so we highly recommend tuning in.




Hi! I know you've noted in a few places that you haven't been able to confirm GOG yet (just Steam). As someone who played SSS on Mac, my more important question is: will this be on OSX?


So just to clarify a bit, If I were to pledge for the $15 tier before the deadline on the 9th, then I would be eligible for the steam key?


That is correct, $15 by the 9th Feb (either this month or between Nov 2018 and this month) will qualify you for a Steam key once the early release distribution begins. The Patreon early release is both the full game of Idol Empire along with the Plus Sunrider Girls DLC.


We've hit a snag with Apple which is making it difficult to have a dedicated Mac build at this time and therefore we're having to continue to treat it as TBA. They'll be an announcement once (but ultimately if) this changes but for now only the Windows (PC) version is confirmed. https://loveinspace.net/idolempire/