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Our publisher has come to Japan and set up a booth at Tokyo Game Show filled with waifus from Sunrider: Liberation Day and other English VNs.

Even though the exhibit hall was hot as a sauna, our waifus held strong and neither fell or bent as throngs of bypassers visited… And thankfully it doesn’t seem like we had any human casualties either. Although my feet did hurt a lot and I got drenched with sweat. Hah. Hah.

A round of applause goes to the brave men of Sekai Project who weathered such conditions for days to guard the waifus… I never knew how hot it was inside TGS until I got there.

And now some juicy stuff for the folks back home.

We’re excited to finally reveal we are producing Sunrider: Liberation Day simultaneously in both in English and in Japanese.

Sunrider: Liberation Day will feature full Japanese voice acting for every single line in the game and dual English and Japanese text.


Is Sunrider: Liberation Day being localized into Japanese?

We’re actually making it in English and Japanese at the same time, so we’re building it with the assumption that both the English and Japanese assets will work together to create a single experience for English readers.


Is Sekai Project handling the Japanese translation.

The translation and Japanese voice acting will be done by Love in Space contractors. Sekai Project is the publisher of Sunrider: Liberation Day but has no active role in development.


Can I swap the voice acting between Japanese and English

Sunrider: Liberation Day will only have Japanese voice acting, so you can’t swap to an English voice track.


Which seiyuu will be cast for my waifu

We’re actually still working on the cast list. But because we’re pulling talent from the Japanese eroge industry, we will not be revealing the real identities of any of the seiyuu anyways. (Everyone works under an alias for 18+ games.)


What’s going to be voiced

Every line of dialogue in the VN segments, excluding Kayto, as well as all the unit acknowledgments during the battle segments.


Can you please tell us when the game will be out, etc

Eh trust me, we’d like the game to be out too. But I don’t think it’ll be a very good game if we just release things half baked… We’ll have a release date for Liberation Day further down the line. It’s still only been a few months since Sunrider Academy came out, and we can’t make these games in a flash…



I don't think there should be an english dub. VNs are japanese "games". In my opinion it's like an good anime - watch it in japanese dub with an english - or in my case a german dub. That's whats it should be and what is most fun. There are some animes wich have an english or german dub but most of them are crap. In most cases the translation is poor or censored and the voice actor don't fit the character. In japanese original it's more authentic. I prefer this authentic feeling also for VNs. I don't might an english sub but its more fun when there is an japanese dub! VNs are like animated mangas in an special way so i think japanese voice acting is something wich makes it more authentic. And on the other hand: why are u not happy there IS an dub anyway the pipe dream isn't reached? There is such an awsome anouncement an most of u guys are crying for an english dub... That's makes waifus cry... :X

Crystal Poxon

I personally enjoyed the voice acting of the first game, so I'd like to see those voice actors come back for an english dub, but I don't mind it being in Japanese since I'm learning anyway. It will be weird to listen to totally different voices for the characters though so I would like for one of the milestones to be english dub.