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The captain of Vertigo Squad. A serious warrior woman, with the combat prowess of ten men. A survivor of the war on the surface, she is the most experienced fighter on the ship and has survived encounters which would have killed the best. Despite her military discipline, her defense of the squadron's more eccentric members against the brass has made her popular with the rank and file. She is viewed as being one of the troops instead of a paper-pusher.  She was the daughter of the former Japanese defense minister. With the formation of the Council of Humankind, she was amongst the first to denounce the old national system and pledge allegiance to the Council, despite her father's position. Her and Jeanne seem to go back to the Council's creation, but Reiko still maintains a distance from Jeanne.  As the leader of Vertigo Squad, she bears the responsibility of ensuring the mission's success, even at the cost of the lives of her pilots. 

