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For our current project ProM we will be looking to update the Patreon tiers for the September cycle. After the changes have been made we will make a follow up post to confirm they're now in effect so that you will then have the opportunity to review and change your pledge if required.

At this time the update we're planning to make that will replace the existing tiers are as follows, let us know your thoughts:

$1 Tier

- Thanks for your support!

- A Discord role of 'Patreon Backer' on our official server (requires your Patreon and Discord accounts to be linked ‘Settings -> Account’)

$5 Tier

- The Discord role mentioned above

- Get behind the scenes, rough conceptual artwork

- Get unfinished game CGs

$10 Tier

- Everything above

- Get completed HD background illustrations

- Get completed character and technical illustrations

- Get completed game resolution CGs

$15 Tier

- Everything above

- Get editable character books (Some technical knowledge of how to work with .psd files required)

- NEW! Get pages of the CLASSIFIED game bible, including lore and secret histories!

-Back issue: Get the Starnova art book when it is done

$20 Tier

- Everything above

- 720p uncleaned animated HCGs

$25 Tier

- Everything above

- 1080p cleaned animated HCGs

- Your name in the ED credits (if backing this tier in the month we pull the list of names)

- And random bonuses every now and then!

Notice of In-Progress Betas

We have not yet decided the tier at which future betas will be offered, but we expect the tier to increase from the bottom $5. Patreon has changed enormously since we started offering betas at that price, and now it is easier than ever for Patrons to switch tiers to suit their needs for the month. 

For example, it is possible now for you to simply switch to whatever tier the beta is offered at when the beta comes out, and then drop down to a lower tier after downloading the beta. 

We will make a further announcement on the price and date of future betas when the time comes.

Notice of Lifetime Contribution Tracking (Rewards)

We will be no longer be using lifetime contributions due to Patron's limited UI.

For the Patreon exclusive early release for our current project we will be creating a tier dedicated to this reward, to get the early release you will need to switch to this tier in the month we announce the game is available for early release to qualify. The price for this tier is currently tentative but more information will be released closer to the time.


Tristan Irwin

Already missing Aki. I guess I should replay starnova... I however will not be able to pay more than 25 a month due to my financial situation. While I'm not overly interested of the upcoming project as of current, ill continue funding at my current tier.

Kai Gunaji

My 2 cents. I was happy to chip in a few bucks a month to support you folks as I greatly enjoyed Sunrider (particularly the first one for whatever that is worth). My main intent was not really to get access to the betas, though it was certainly a welcome perk. Getting the full releases through Patreon was completely superfluous as I have purchased all of them either retail or via backing on KS. The fact that I was spending more to support you folks via Patreon than it would cost me to just buy the games outright (putting aside that I did so anyway) was by no means an issue to me as the money via Patreon was something I just wanted to do out of goodwill. However the longer time has gone one and the more you update your Patreon levels, the more it feels as though my (admittedly small) donations are being disregarded/unappreciated. It's at the point now where I feel no need to continue. To be clear I still enjoy the games you put out, and it is rather likely I'll play/purchase them. Best of luck, etc.


Sorry to hear you feel that way Kai but thank you joining and supporting the journey so far - we genuinely appreciate all the support we get but perhaps we need to look at improvements to our communication so we can show this more. Perhaps you'd be willing to share with us what you feel is missing and what you would like to see?


I agree with Kai, and personally I think "We will be no longer be using lifetime contributions" is a kick in the nads to the many people supporting you in smaller amounts over the long run...