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Project Seven Code Name: ProM 

Character: Ayna Uno

At this stage please note this is just us brainstorming early visualisations and is not reflective of the actual designs. We also ask that as a coveted perk of your reward tier that you join us in an vow of secrecy with posts like these until we go public.

We'll talk more about specifics around the project and the future another time once it is more fleshed out, for now we hope you enjoy the sneak previews.  



Lucas Slavik

so... no new Sunrider planned?


I don't imagine they're done with Sunrider, but I don't think this next project is going to be it. Or I could be completely wrong, who knows.


So the new game than. Well it´s grand. For myself only thing I hope to see is return of minigames and statbuilding. Felt it really missing in starnova.