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Hello everyone long time no see, apologies for the lack of content recently. 

With the development of Shining Song Starnova now over and our team members having some well deserved time off as well as encountering a few issues around the public release on Steam we haven't had too much to share in terms of new updates.

As it will be a bit longer until we'll start talking about the future we thought we would use some of the time to do a bit of housekeeping in terms of a new coat of paint around our brand.

This re-branding is coming in two forms:

- A new logo that we will be using moving forwards after the public release of Shining Song Starnova. [This is currently our logo]

- A 'new face' will be joining the fray. [Sneak previews will be coming in separate posts]

The first of these updates is the logo which is featured in this post. 

We feel as though the new logo now better empathises the space element that is tied with our origins as a creator of visual novels.

What do you all think?



Destitute Dragon

It even looks like OG mass effect now with the horizon, - Sunrider hype!

Ryan Samr

Even though it loooks good, I'm sad I won't be able to see the old one. How many times did I launch your games and your logo? It reminds me of so many good memories.


The old logo will still remain in all our games up to and including Starnova, it will just be that moving forward the new logo will be used for future projects as well as communication channels.