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I have a couple of information regarding the upcoming update. It'll be at January 5th, as I'm trying to set the 5th as a new release date every month. That didn't change. Unfortunately because of certain circumstances (One week in december I was sick, then there were holidays so I was out of home) the update will not be packed with a lot of content. 

There will be some new gifts, couple new conversations, the beginning of the quest line with Grahm about finding more in regard of mercenaries.

A few new sprites, including one from an additional artist I may be working with from now on as well. You may known him from a couple of fanarts he already made for LD. 

I also put work into improving the relationship screen. It won't have all information just yet, but the base is set. Virile (my proofreader) is helping me with filling the data, so eventually you will have additional way to look what you could have missed in the game. Normal event log will still be updated as well... when I have some spare time for that. 

Last thing... In new year as I mentioned in the previous update post I will most likely return to the NC plot. I'll have a couple of exciting surprises waiting for you over there. 


Happy New Year!

A little bit ahead of time, but I may be busy in the next couple of days.





Feliz año nuevo 💖


Looking forward to the update! Hope you're better from being unwell and that you had a lovely holiday! Take care of yourself and have a wonderful New Year! ♪ 💖


Log update is extremely good!! As I didn't see some events, I'll track them after the update. Have a nice holiday!


Is there any way to speed through the game a bit? I know you can cheat yourself tons of items but the actual going through the days takes forever. I assume not but it can't hurt to ask.


yeah I dont think you can. Maybe it will be implemented at some point though. I saved at almost every choice in order to make sure I can go back at any point in the game to try new routes but I almost used all files allready ^^'.

Divine Rydia

Happy New Year looking forward to the updates. It's come a very long way