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Hey there, 

No build just yet. I did mention it some time ago that I was thinking about changing the date of release to the beginning of the month, instead of the end of the month. Having it at the end really put some pressure on me where I know if I won't make it on time, some people may be unhappy that they paid for the month and the thing is not delivered. With release being at the beginning of the month you will see the build early and then can decide if you want to continue supporting the project or not. That should take one of my worries off of my shoulders. And believe me, it was constantly on my mind every month. 

To make it fair you will get a message from me with a link to a place I will put a build when it's ready. That's for people who are going to drop the support this month - so they can still have the access for September build. 

Where to expect the build then?

At the beginning of October. It will be 2nd or 3rd most likely. And from now on the updates will be released around that time. 

Sorry for that change, but I believe at the end it's going to work better for me and I hope you'll be able to get used to this as well.

Another change is the billing. It's not something that current patrons will notice, but Patreon made a small change to how the billing works. Basically new people will be charged the moment they sign up and in that date every month, not at the beginning of the month as it used to be (Which led sometimes to weird situation when someone was charged twice if they joined at the end of the month - one more reason I did want to move the release date to the beginning of the month). 

That's it for now. 

Thank you again for the support, good words and all the patience. 




No prob Hyao (not that im dropping my sub or anything), very considerate on your part


All quite reasonable changes! Although honestly, the fact that it helps with your stress levels is plenty of reason to do it.


Sending love and support. You do whatever is better for you and your mental health :)


No worries dude. I'm super far back on the story, so more time for me to catch up is a-ok as far as I'm concerned lol


Here's hoping I can contain myself til then LoL take care of yourselves and just know you're doing a great job


a lot of other games i support do this, i think its the far more realistic and manageable option


take ur time! your welbeing is more important <3


It doesn't really matter when you release the build. The thing is, now is weekend, and I am so exciting about enjoy this program. So, hope everything can go well. :)


Do what you got to do. Take all the time you need.


You also need to take care of yourself. Take your time. I rather you go slow to make sure the workload isn't too much to handle vs you pushing yourself to possibly no longer enjoy this project. With each update, I always go back and replay everything just to see all the hard work you put into it. Even if it is just 1 change or bug fix, it is still like a new experience, and always see why I love it.