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Download ($1 Patreons) - The files are now on a private itchio page, the access is limited to patrons (It's going to ask you to connect with Patreon). You don't need to have itchio account to get access to it. Every person gets their own personal Key. Sharing this key may result in someone else claiming it for you.

Download ($5 Patreons) - Build with the gallery. The same rules applies as with the link above.


  • Android build will not be available until a second week of August. Ren (Person who is making the fan-made android build) is not available until that time.
  • No Update in August! As I mentioned in the previous post, I will be taking the month off. The Patreon payment is paused, so old patrons shouldn't be charged at the beginning of the month.
  • Thank you for all the good words and understanding. Having a bit more free time during August I will try to answer to those comments, I feel guilty of leaving it like that.
  • If during game you will see “WIP” it means Work in Progress and that part is still not finished.


Lakeshard Village


  • More Hugo (Relax in the bar option)
  • Approach the hogsvine (After doing more hugo event)

Bowen (Inn):

  • Talk: About him
  • Talk: The inn
  • Talk: Regular customers

Hugo (Inn):

  • Talk: Offer a beer
  • Talk: Lakeshard
  • Talk: More sniffing


  • Entrance
  • Orwell’s Shop
  • Derek’s Shop
  • Warren’s Stall
  • Mei’s Stall
  • Back Alley (Lakeshard talk option done with Hugo)

Shops are a bit of a mess right now. I will change what they are selling/buying bit later. Back Alley doesn’t have many options yet, but I have a couple of more planned. It will be working in a similar way as naughty events in Bareshade.



  • Forest Scouting (Req: Normal Logan, Swamp Werewolf Event done, Between 20:00 and 4:00)

For this event to work you will need to wait a week after finishing the swamp werewolf event. Even if you did it before, in this update you still need to wait a week.

That’s the main event for the update. It’s long, with a new boss fight (Alternative version of swamp creature). If you missed a heart with Logan before, you can get it here. Though if you already had hearts with him… enjoy.

I strongly suggest having a save before this event. I will add one more option to it later, but as it is one time event you will not be able to see it if you go past it.



  • Small changes to Logan dialogue while entering and leaving (If you have enough hearts)


  • Nothing


Gavel’s addition:

  • New Background: Jungle

Burb’s addition:

  • New icons: Antilycan, Bi Potion, Blinding Bomb, Bottom Potion, Dominant Potion, Earth Moss, Emerald Sea Wave, Exploding Bomb, Fog Cloud, Gay Potion, Groulb, Hate Potion, Misty Snowdrop, Poisonous Bomb, Shocking Bomb, Silver Bomb, Smoke Bomb, Straight Potion, Submissive Potion, Top Potion, Water Bomb, Water Moss, Wolf Poison

Civ’s addition:

  • New music: Mythshore exploration theme (Replacing the old version of the music)


Villejag Fleskopelikane

Omg omg omg logan and more new continent... I AM EXCTATIC! Also Hyao, have a good and WELL DESERVED time off! Think you should deffo make one/two months a year an off update one bcs you deserve it !


YAI NEW UPDATES!!!! (ren wont be able to do the android version until mid august) WELL WHAT CAN WE DO ¯\_(ツ)_/¯!!! UPDATES!!! in all seriousness, i havent been able to explore last exp, my schedules have been a mess and i barely have had time for myself But thanks for the work hyao, seems you have your birthday coming?, Why not take a break

The Mysterious M3tav0X

This update looks like it's gonna be pretty great! There's a lot of interesting stuff to do by the look of it, so I can't wait to download it and see what all happens when I get home from work! I'm a bit sad at no new Garuik content this update... But oh well! Guess it'll just have to wait until another update. I was hoping we'd get to see a bit more from his character, but I get that there's only so much new content that can get worked into any given update; a bit unfortunate, but no big deal. And here's hoping you have a nice and relaxing break, Hyao! After all the work you've put into this project, you deserve it!


omg continuing Logan?! I can't wait to dig in.


Don't worry. The next update for Garuik will be pretty large! I have to be extra careful about the next update because of the conditions around specific characters and the location of it. I'm glad you enjoy Garuik, though!


Thanks for the update! Glad to hear you'll be taking a much needed break, hopefully it helps with your mental health at least a bit!


i have the normal logan route but I cant find how to trigger the wolf den event with logan, the beta werewolf,... I wonder why. ^^'


Yay! Logan!

Marquise Pride

It's the bolded reminder to make an extra save file for me! OH MAI GOODNESS!!! I CANNOT wait to see what is in store for us now! Thank you so much and enjoy your break! I know you need it!


Thank you for update and your hard work! Hope you have a good hiatus!


I think you go to town at night and Logan goes out for a walk?


Absolutely love this update, almost stay up all night catching up to the events. Love the Logan installment and excited to meet Garuik, Hugo and new people of the island! Like a previous commenter I feel like supporters that dig the game haven't been vocal enough. Your work is enormous and the efforts to give us regular monthly updates are super appreciated. I adore the game so much, it gave me access to hardcore sexual fantasies in a safe manner and I can't thank you and your team enough.


And please take the time off you need to recharge, you deserved it.


Logan has a golden heart. He's just don't want to show everyone around him. Hope there will be a human Logan soon :)


I wonder if you will add an option to top Logan in the Normal route??


Enjoy your vacation we will gladly wait.


Ok I shall wait for andriod :3


Logan's face is so soft I love it <3


Thank you for your great update! Lakeshade update is good, I think we will have many things to do in this town. And I cannot forget about Logan update. First, fight scene is so intense and exciting, I swear if I can make some art or animation about this fight scene it could be so great. And 3rd heart with Logan is what I waiting for so long. His smile is a reward for us all that I will protect with all cost. And I like a conversation which MC thank to Logan for not embrace all problem by himself. It actually a word that I want to talk to him!


Logan’s new content was amazing, it’s one of (if not my most) favourite events so far. All that slow burn was absolutely worth it, the variations in this one scene were incredible! The little details in this game never fail to amaze me. The lizards and Logan have my heart. Hope you have a good rest, please take as much time as you need ❤️


I don't play this update yet but i can feel it's going to be amazing


Do you have a link where we can send you money? I think you should be able to take a month off without losing income. 😬


Great update! Finally, some progression with Logan. It felt like a cockblock for the longest time xD I also really appreciate the fact that you don't force us into 'corrupt bottom' route even if we're tops. I hope this will keep up :)


After 70 likes, after never giving up on him, after always testing his patience and just appreciating him from afar...I finally have it...my first heart with Logan 🥺🥲😊


Just asking to clarify, if I have Bottom Logan does that mean I can't trigger the new Logan event?


I Fricking LOVE the Logan event ! i was in Heat ALL the time lmao ! Thanks Hyao, thanks to the illustrator ! thanks to EVERYONE who work on the game ! have a Nice Break Hyao <3 i hope to have some more Orc arc in the few next updates <3


This is correct. Bottom Logan doesn't become a werewolf at all, and the new event involves him as a werewolf.


i don't know how to open the private page, how u do that?


YESSSSSS I love the new village but I must say. This Logan event is EVERYTHING!!!! Thank you and have a great resting time


I cant seem to get that event with Logan although I got all the hearts and events. Do you have advice what do I need to do? Guess I'm missing something obvious TvT


What I did was sleep repeatedly for 7 days, then wait till after 20:00 and go from the forest to my house and it activated.


I'd also check to make /absolutely sure/ you did all the stuff in the Misty Forest first. I'd missed that part myself.


@Garz And sorry for bothering - which misty forest do you mean? I start to believe I really missed something major for that event to trigger xD


Hey guys how do I get the logan scene to activate? I'm using the Android build and it won't at all. I have the two hearts. I already defeated the swamp beast and I already tried sleeping for a week


I meant the Misty Abyss, to be more specific. It's a location found in the swamp, which is where you meet the Lizards and do much of their plot. You get directed from Logan's sawmill in Bareshade to the wolf's den again, then to the Misty Abyss once more.


Then I really missed something immportant to do! Thank you for the heads up!


Hey hyao I have a question? I know you're on break but do you plan to focus on adding story content to characters one at a time or do you plan to add to do multiple? Mainly because I feel arion is getting left out lol


The usual problem here is that the Misty Abyss plot isn't concluded. You did say you've defeated the swamp beast, however. I'd still go check through the Logan steps (Sawmill, Wolf's lair level 2, Misty Abyss) and make absolutely sure that part is done. If it's not that, are you sleeping at your actual home and not in Bareshade? Maybe that's it?


Heh, I think that's just the result of there being so many well written and popular characters. Hyao tends to cycle a bit, but everyone gets some love periodically! What I /have/ forgotten is if Arion is via a guest writer or via Hyao himself. If Arion is via guest writer, then there are more dependencies on him getting more content written. Of course, you can be pretty, uh, playful with Arion and Blake when it comes to getting the former horseshoes :P


Hi 1)my Logan is currently 2 hearts at 100 likes. MC and Logan already had sex after swamp monster fight, but no further event triggers. What did I do wrong? 2) I supposed I owe you a beer didnt trigger because i already have 2 hearts (completed Country Road, Bareshade Expansion, goes to Bareshade new home at 2000)


Does anybody know how to trigger the swamp werewolf event?

D'Angelo Reyes

There was another chance at a heart with Logan and I missed it? T_T He likes me, but zero hearts...I know the first one is choosing him during the werewolf saga...where was the next heart? D:


The second heart comes when he visits your bareshade-house, but I believe it requires the first heart. The main RNG-ey event in there comes from seeing Logan blow up at Barrel, who is the fat bandit that comes to town, so that may be the one step you're missing if you've gotten the first heart. But if you're at zero hearts then I'm not completely sure if the new steps can trigger. It doesn't make a lot of sense for the get-the-second-heart event to trigger /after/ the most recent stuff has triggered, haha.


Huh, you did the events with the swamp monster /before/ you did the 'Owe you a beer' scene? That's... interesting to have done in that order. I presume, due to the events in the swamp monster fight, that Owe you a Beer won't trigger anymore as it would make no sense for it to do so.


I feel the most common error is not doing the Misty Abyss plotline. So presuming you've completed 'I owe you a beer' with Logan, I'd poke your head into his swamill, then go down to the wolf's lair, then go into the Misty Abyss. See if any of those places have an event for you that hasn't been done.

AP Laowattanakul

How to trigger swamp monster fight? I don't have Forest Scouting option Also who is Hugo


Do you have normal logan? It requires normal logan (So discourage him from going to the bandit camp so he remains, uh, not sex-crazed) Have you gotten the 'I owe you a beer' event with Logan in bareshade? If so, wait a week or so, then check Logan's sawmill, then the deeper parts of the werewolf den, then the Misty Abyss in the swamp. If not, which step are you on?

AP Laowattanakul

I finish I owe you a beer with 2 hearts but when I check his sawmill at night I saw no one. I already reported to him about swamp werewolf.