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Except of the two ne npcs that will be introduced in the next update, we also have those two bad boys who will try to make your life on the road a bit more difficult. 




Well, if I wasnt excited for the new update before I certainly am now!


You say difficult I say make my dreams come true. Sorry big boy bandit I just found myself two new favorite bandits. First badger now bears and boars...how can this update get any better 😍


Oh my gosh what a pair of absolute cakes we got here owo I’m SO looking forward to this!

Marquise Pride

Fuuuuu---- the beefcakes of beefcakes!! Is it too late to relocate to wherever these bad boys are gonna be found!!??Hell, they might even outdo Gunner and I've pretty much devoted my entire being to him! 🤤🤤🤤🤤

Zachary Steffen

Please tell me we can have fun with them 🥺🥺🥺


'Difficult' because I'll be walking around with permanent erections xD


Yesss <3 Bears <3


Or they will have fun with you... Depending on the result of the fight :D


You may enjoy the bear then... He can be pretty rough.


I'm going to tease a couple of other characters that are not having the sprite just yet, so you will know who to expect in the future :P


From few recent updates I'm guessing Narram became a lead artist for this game and ZoroJ stepped down for the foreseeable future? 😑


I work with artists on commission base. I'll take as much as they are willing to make. Zoroj is currently busy with his own projects, but it doesn't mean he stepped down. I'll take more assets from him when he's available.


If I can draw I would help you with the drawing.