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  • Fixed an error that made saves from Misty Abyss crashing the game
  • There were some issues with displaying Xer's name, that should be fixed too.
  • There's some more content with Xer in 0.31.1. He appears during the competition in the Misty Abyss, you can interact with him now too.

> Android build is available <

Download ($1 Patreons) - The files are now on a private itchio page, the access is limited to patrons (It's going to ask you to connect with Patreon). You don't need to have itchio account to get access to it. Every person gets their own personal Key. Sharing this key may result in someone else claiming it for you.

Download ($5 Patreons) - Build with the gallery. The same rules applies as with the link above.


  • If during game you will see “WIP” it means Work in Progress and that part is still not finished.



Old barn:

  • Talk: Treat for a pup (Req: 40 like, sweet treat can be bought from Madeleine during the fair)
  • Enter the stall (Alternatives for previous scene)


  • Talk: Messing with Caleb (Req: Fun with Caleb done at least once)
  • Fun with the boys (Alternative for spending the night with Caleb and Bernard. Req: 4 hearts Bernard, 1 heart Caleb, after the fun talk done)

Northcrest Market


  • In need of emerine (While entering the armory. Req: Like 10, bringing him 5 emerines, all entrance to the munbury unlocked) – Repeatable every 4 days. More option with high northcrest defender attitude and discount with Dulrig done.
  • Talk: Munbury Trip (Req: In need of emerine event seen)
  • During the Munbury Trip there are some changes and new events in the Munbury Complex, as you can explore part of it with Dulrig.



  • Small addition to Last contest conversation when he lost, but done stuff with the player during the competition.

Misty Abyss


  • Alternative when seeing Rhot alone
  • Alternatives when seeing Rhot with enemy



  • Introduction rewritten (Xeroth meeting is no longer an event with random chance. There’s a sepparate option in the corrupted lake area to start the encounter with him.)
  • Bareshade Fair date (Req: Xer invited to the fair, option available at his stand)
  • Xer interaction in the Misty Abyss during the competition.


  • New Road Conclusion (Req: New Road finished, visit farmstead between 12:00 and 20:00)
  • Alternatives for helping Bernard in the shop for the day: Edmund Visit, Roland Visit (Req: New Road Conclusion done, no one died during the building the road)
  • Arden/Geordi Show (While entering Northcrest Marketplace. Req: New Road Conclusion done.)


A marvelous piece from Zoroj:

  • Caleb CG – with few variants

Background from Gavel:

  • Wasteland (Finished version)


  • Cooking option is now available (There’s a new screen with all the recipes player know. Player get a ‘fed’ status after eating to prevent from eating right away another dish).
  • AntiBleeding Ointment, Antidote, Antitoxin – all those are adding a protection against corresponding statuses, preventing player from receiving the same debuff right after using an item.
  • Some minor fixes here and there.



Woof new stuff, i gotta get on with it. Though i havent done anything of the last update,. I better hurry because things are starting to pile up and still i want to suck ste and visit the new orc enemies; now to way for the android port Thanks Hyao, thanks Red


Excited for this. Always excited for the team's updates!


Are the romance paths with Werewolf Logan and Ste mutually exclusive? In the conclusion of the New Road event if I try to fuck Ste Logan gets pissed off and if I choose the other option nothing happens...


If you choose the option where you say that this is not the right time, Ste will love you more without pissing Logan off, so they might not be exclusive. I wish we could get more intimate with the big bull, but I'm happy being able to interact more with Caleb and Bernard.


How do we trigger Caleb CG?


Nvm, I figured it out. It's by staying rather than directly entering the stall when you catch him masturbating


Amazing content- so glad to see Bernard playing more. And I hope more Ste and Logan action in the next update and perhaps we can flesh out the story with Roland ;)


You need watch the fireworks with him in the fair


One question, do you plan to make sprites for everyone in the game? or just for the main characters? I clarify that it is a question without pressing ;)


I didn't expected that we go 3 of heart events in this update. O__O


Nice update but umm what if you already done the hunt event but Rhot part was WIP. Can you get a re-do with it?


how to unlock the passage in the emerine golem's area?


Hi, I wanted to ask I have a gunner with a black heart, is that bad? and is there any way to get it out?


Bernard looks GREAT during fun with the boys.


I need a bit of help. I finally got onto farm stead but it keeps saying that I can't see (despite me having a glowing amulet) and that I could use my senses differently, but I have a wolf with me... any answers?


How can unlock messing with caleb, fun with caleb i cant see the option


Wow. Just Wow.


That was amazing, I loved that threesome with my two good werepups! I can't wait for next update and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping for some more lizard scenes with Roushk and the WIP waterfall scene at the ruins


Those 2 are cuteness overload! I would also love more scenes with Roushk.


It's been a long time since I was there, but could it be low perception?


I've been getting a thing for a while where the load/save screen keeps coming up when I click anywhere. Not sure anybody else is seeing this.


For Fun with Caleb, you need to talk to Bernard about Caleb being horny. After that, each time you visit the Old Barn, there'll be a chance you'll catch Caleb masturbating. Choosing either Stay or Enter the stall will lead you to have sexy fun with him. It can only trigger once per day so once you do it you'll have to wait for the next day ingame to repeat it.


It's Ren, not Red :D Some people tends to play every few updates when they have a more content to see at once. Take your time to progress ;)


There may be some not important characters that are just in the background, those would rather not have sprites. But sometimes it's hard to say who's important and who's not. Gunnar and Torben were supposed to be just small characters and now one of them already have sprite and the other will eventually get one as well.


It's how you progressed the game. It was during the fight with him where you dom him. It doesn't mean it's bad though, you don't have to like everyone after all ;)


I can't seem to get the In need of emerine event with Dulrig, I think I got everything I need to get it (unless there is another hidden entrance other than the place to get emerine) so I was wondering if I was missing something.


Is there some sort of compiled change log so I can do all the new content? I have skipped a few updates now and I want to make sure I don't miss anything.


Gleee! :D Busy, and need to hit the sack now, but huzzah to new update! This is also a reminder that I need to finish up getting those red orcs to tolerate me, haha.


the ingame changelog in the pause menu showcases most of them

Zachary Steffen

Wow you can get more than 3 hearts with someone?


I think we are at a point, where a guesthouse in Northcrest would be useful


Does anyone know how I can invite Rhot to the fair for the fireworks?


I cant get talk: messing with caleb to pop

Francis Lockyer

Just a quick question, is the nameless bracelet meant to be devoid of any benefits unlike the nameless collar and the nameless cock ring?

Francis Lockyer

Can someone remind me how to get the location of the Munbury caves?


Question, What are the requirements for catching Caleb masturbating?


All of them have additional effects. Nameless bracelet is increasing the dmg by 20%.


Only Bernard can have 4 hearts for now. Other characters can have 1 or 2 at max. And still not all of them yet.

Kouta Tsukioka

Dulrig. ❤️❤️❤️😍 OMG. I need more of him, that cute old pervert. X3 hahaha.

Francis Lockyer

Quick question, how do I get the heart from Rhot?


How do I get to Ste?


Lots of likes, that means going daily with beers and howling with him


Find him on vicorias dungeon, then through the caves find the way close by to "farmstead" Warning, try to not engage in battle so ste doesnt think bad about you


Dear hyao, thanks for the constant and abundant updates, delightful game as always Just a little thing that might have been addressed by now: when you use antidote or antitoxin in combat, a layer is placed above the combat controls, which make battling almost impossible unless you have already allocated some quick consumables, the layer goes off with the effect of the potion that brought it up I repeat again, delightful game, keep the good work


I have a heart with him, so I have a good amount of likes. So at this point is it RNG?


Hey, Do you playing 0.33.1? I think it should be fixed in that one. Let me know if that is not the case and it still happening in 0.33.1.


I might have missed the update, im playing 0.33 (android), my mistake


Oh, i think you also have to be personal with bernard and talk with him about his loneliness (caleb's) and his hidden desires 😏


Thank you. I actually figured it out a little bit ago. I was dumb and never bothered to try to talk to Bernard at night about him.