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Finished art for this month update:


Ken West

Fantastic Work!! Even the succubus looks awesome


Surprisingly, I'm really into the Tavern Keeper. Also, hope we get an Incubus in the future :D


All the characters look awesome. Really love the bartender, he's so hot. His "special drink" was so hot. Would love to see more "special drinks". Maybe add a quest where he sells the MC's drink?

Chenyu Wen

Me too, the Tavern Keeper is really an interesting character. Fun to watch a greedy man that is at the same time want to take advantage of the protagonist but also obsessed with his body :)


They look amazing! Will we see these ingame anytime soon?


She is in fact quite gorgeous. Zoroj did pretty good job with her, considering he is specialist with big guys :D


In the nearest update that will go live in a couple of days


Glad you like those characters. A lot of people seems to like the bartender ^^

PK Persona

Really excited about Orcs hitting the game with an NPC. Like everyone else has said, the bartender looks fantastic and I cant wait to see just how pervy/obsessed he gets! Great work as always from you and Zoroj!


Hey Hyao, will you ever consider adding subspecies / variants / apex individuals of a given kind of monster to the game? For instance, an alpha werewolf, in contrast to normal werewolves.

Ryan Fox

The artwork looks terrific truly. The orcs look amazing, just not sure the succubus is what I’m in the market for haha


Amazing ! Truly hope we get to go farther with the bartender... his dialogue with the male sub PC is so sexy and he has a lot of nasty (amazing) ideas when he's dirty talking.


Aren't I already doing that? Look at lizardman for example, there are already few different kind of them. If you are asking exactly for werewolves, then I'll probably think of something too when I get back to them.


I think a lot of people were waiting for Zoroj orcs xD There is the first one and I can assure it's not going to be the last one. But most probably others will appear much later. There are still a lot of other things to do first.


I know female characters are not for all, yet I still wouldn't want to make the whole world full of males :P Guys are still the majority xD


There's going to be a love potion scene with bartender in the nearest update. And it gonna have few variations.

Ken West

I'm very excited can we expect the update to be today or tomorrow?


Beta build will be posted today on discord. Normal one will be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Depends how much things I'll have to fix.


Bartender is really my favorite character !!


Need more ass! :P (im basically cheering at this point)

Matthew Portillo

how do you get to see them all naked tho?