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Poll - It's open to anyone who wants to participate.

I want to gather some opinion about what people expect and what people want to see. I made similar poll a few months ago, but decided to do it again, because now the player base is much bigger.

Thank you in advance!



I expect the game to have other creatures released soon, such as orcs and what not, just because they've been hinted at. I would hope that the romance options will have more work done on them, so that they can be more captivating and rewarding.


Hinted*, not hunted


I am curious if magic will be incorporated into it. (Not that it really needs it.) Also having a King and his men rely on your many talents could be fun for story. ♡


I'd like to be a more dominant bottom in the game at times. I love the power bottom scene with Barrel, the fat bandit when you tease him enough.


I do agree with romance options having more work done on them. Bernard, currently being the only one that gets pretty high, has some cute interactions, but not actual sex scenes, unless you use a love potion.

Hyou Vizer

Same here, if you're a bottom is always submissive for our main character.


I think hypnosis is kinky. Ever consider an enemy who used hypnosis? For example Kaa. Have an enemy who uses a watch or a pet snake to hypnotize his enemies. Maybe even introducing a snake like Kaa to fight against.


For typical humans? Probably not. For other races? Who knows. Some of them already have skills that are somehow magical. On the other hand... Who knows what the future brings ;p


I was staying for so long in those starter location, that I wanted also to move to other places as well. But I'm going to work on romance routes more, don't worry about that.


Closest to that is now enemy satyr who can make the player into a playful state and force him to use tease. The problem with hypnosis is that it's hard to implement that in game mechanic. I like the idea, I just need to find a good way to use it.


To kind of finish off the Bandits, as they nearly seem done... it would be nice to see the Female Bandit art and Bandit Pair art. Also, your helper in the Bandit camp nude would be nice too. Then shouldn't they be done for a while?


(1.) In the beginning of the game your Master leaves to do work? If I remember correctly. Will he ever return, perhaps as dateable character? Or is he more important for later story telling? (2.) I was curious of the purpose of the Ass/Mouth/Cock. It doesn’t seem like the scenes change depending on if you were a virgin or not, or even if your just a beginner taking a giant troll cock. So do you have plans to make specific scenes made for just virgins/beginners/intermediate/experts/masters? Or perhaps there will be future characters that don’t like whores but like beginners and virgins? What’s the original intention of that mechanic? (3.) Do you have any intentions of moving any characters into your home? Perhaps just a temporary thing where some gets sick and you let them stay at your home. Or if a relationship works out well the come and live with you. Or perhaps you go live with them?


1. This is the main plot. Right now the player don't know what is going on with master and the only thing they can do is wait for some news. 2. It is taken into account... In certain places. Probably not as often as it should. There are scenes where those stats can change the scene slightly or make the scene look different. For example, doing anything with troll without a fight is an option available when the player is more experienced. 3. Yes. I have plans like that.


A lot of things is still missing a picture. Zoroj have his own projects, so it's not like he is spending his entire time making the graphic for my game. At some point I want to fill all the blanks and give a picture to every NPC/enemy.


Why can't I get more vine of swamp, I got one on the first encounter. I have tried submitting, killing, and maxing his lust bar, what do I do?


A few things I wouldn't mind seeing. 1) More group scenes, IE multiple people and the MC/Other Characters (See 3). 2) Finalization of current content IE, current romance opinions more or less fleshed out. 3) Slutty Logan, this one is a personal kink, if you encouraged Logan to go to the bandit camp you the player afterwards, have the opinion of having choices that would turn Logan into a slutty bottom, meaning that Logan would go to various places and get f*cked by various people and monsters.

Da Manki

LD is sex oriented but I don't think emotional scenes will take away from it. We can have sex, and emotion. (looks at Bernard). also i am greedy so i want everything. as for sex scenes i think the system now works. you should be able to choose whether you want to top or bottom, when you have a choice. the bottom/top scale should be for what kind of characters you attract. (like a top would attract bottoms, and vice versa). during submissions or losing scenes then the choice should be made by the victor (i.e the wererat and logan would be a dom bottom to you, while the bandits would want your ass, etc) also maybe scenes changing after the first time? like after the first time you topped the bartender he'd expect you want to top him again, peeping on logan maybe have the fat bandit invite the other bandit for a reunion, troublemaker accepting he's gonna get fucked in an alley again..etc. XD

Dragon King Development

Make the players sub/Dom changeable by the player without potions?


I'd like it if we went back to more story content, the last few months the story hasn't really advanced and it's just been the sex scenes that have been fleshed out. I actually really like the Bernard romance and helping out the Lizardfolk. I've been a support ever since the 0.3 build on Itch.Io so it'd be nice to go see the town we heard about back in 0.9 when Scar and Tank were defeated.


You can do that. I have to admit that sometimes I may forgot to put that line of the code, but in most situation it should be changing. Whenever you submit during a fight you move towards being a bottom, if you dom the opponent you are moving towards being a top. It's not as fast as with potion though. The potion is just a shortcut.


People wants different thing and I'm trying to do everything. To be honest at some point I thought I should focus on the sex scenes. But I wanted to write some more serious stuff, that's why I put that question in the poll, to see how people answer. I have to say I'm really happy to see the answer (Almost 80% answered yes for serious plot question). I can't tell when Northcrest will appear, but in the last update I put some time into making the lizard story progress and soon there will be more to them as well.


It's one of the thing that don't have a 100% chance to drop. The biggest chance is when you fill the lust bar of the creature. Defeating it have is the second.


I also want everything xD But that means some thing have to wait for later. I just don't have enough time to write as much as I would want to. I could go with changing the scenes after the first time, but that would mean even more work in one scene which mean less of a new things. I'll probably still do things like you mention, at some point. Mostly because I like the idea.


I have some ideas for Slutty Logan. And I hear a lot ideas about Slutty Logan from people. At this point I could probably make a whole update with only Slutty Logan content xD


I'd like to top more lol. Beyond Slutty!Logan (which is great), I feel like the game is written towards being a bottom. Like if Hayden's a total top that's cool, but I wish I could actually top Bernard then.


I'd like to see more female characters so far i think I've only seem the nymph and female bandit, and with so many characters my character sexuality keeps changing to straight - _-, also the ability to have animal/beast cum without having to have sex or jerk them, there's the girl who likes wolf's we just wait till she's finished, not big into non sentient characters, wererat is okay tho, keep up the good work o found your game on itchio and it's the 1st game I've ver supported.


Those kind of scene are the easiest for me to write ^^' But I'm trying to expand and do more.


This month had a picture for Tailor, but there's nothing much to do with her, so I guess that doesn't count ^^' But next month I'm planning to add succubus, so that will be another female added.


I'd like to date the fat bandit


Just finished your poll. I'd like to ask more scenes for Bernard, or Normal Logan, simply like romance scene (just like Bernard) no need to be sex if there you want to add story. I don't want to ask too much. I'm simply wait any update. I do understand that's much be a lot of works. I'm a programmer, and see your work or bugs, I understand XD


I would love to get more interactions with Rhot and to know more about the Lizardman Tribe


I will use Google Translate because I am not fluent. - In the demo I tested, the images of the villains found on the road were missing (but from what I've been reading in the commentary it seems that this is already in the process of being fixed). - Could have pictures of the sex scenes in the saloon. Like the drunk guy in the alley, or the guy sitting at the table inside the tavern. - Sex with women could be optional, not "mandatory". Like when you're still weak to fight. - Collecting the items to save the city guy is very difficult! Your work and the people who work with you are amazing! I can't wait to play the full version.


Yeah, I'm trying to do too much at once if it comes to content. That's why some of the things are not being updated regularly. But I'll be working on the romances routes as well!


I'm actually going to focus on Lizardman Tribe in the next two updates


Not all the pictures are ready yet, so there are still some bandits that aren't done yet. But eventually there will be graphic for each enemy. The same goes for scenes, I'm still not sure how I'll handle the scenes with the main character, that's why for now there are only images of the scenes with NPCs. Thanks!


I think it would be cool to have some visuals of the Bartender sex scenes/nude bartender


My favorite characters are Gunner and Rhot. looking forward to seeing more about how they are dominant protagonists. Is there any chance to make this game support multiple languages so that people from more regions can experience this great work? I know this is a huge project,but in the good side it can completely separate the logic and text of the game and make it easier to maintain,especially when the projects are getting bigger and bigger, maintenance and debugging are more and more difficult. For example ,you can just send context files,like lines_sp.rpy/lines_en.rpy to relevant translation volunteers to make that work.


Maybe he'd consider multilanguage when he has a final version of the game.


I think adding a bit more difference between the creature/enemy behaviour when you raise their affection for you would be nice. Similar to how the bandits change their behaviour when you see them at a few various reputation with them when you encounter them at the tracks.


I'll be throwing new races in the future as well, some kind of bull as well. Not sure exactly how it's going to look like yet. You may be disappointed with the stable guy if you meant Arion, because he is not really bara :P He was described as young, not too high, but athletic. That is one of the characters that is not written by me.