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PC Version: Version 0.10.1

Mac Version: Version 0.10.1

Linux Version: Version 0.10.1

Update 0.10.1

All of the pictures are now finished.

I think I fixed all the bugs that were reported, but I have to admit that there was so many things on my head that there's a chance I missed something.

Sorry if I didn't reply to some comments here on itchio, the notification system could be better in both places.


New Locations:

  • Forest Path (A small linking location, the longer you explore the bigger chances for wolves/werewolves to attack)
  • Forest Bridge
  • River’s Bank (There’s not much here yet, it will be expanded in the future)
  • Northcrest’s Caves (Mostly empty place for now, it’ll be expanded in the future)

New Enemy:

  • Troll (If sanity drops to 0 there’s a game over scene with him)

New Quests:

  • Bar entertainment (Bareshade / Bar)
  • Supplies for camp (Bandit Camp)
  • Bitch for the thugs (Bandit Camp)

New Items:

  • Energy Drink (Cures tired status)
  • Strong Energy Drink (Cures exhausted status)

Bandit's Camp:

  • Consequences (Sparing is for those who still wants to fight with bandits from time to time. Those are the same fights as previous encounters.)


  • Consequences (A few conversation options with different people)
  • Bottom Logan (Sawmill, Night - Only if he was encouraged to visit the camp)
  • Fat bandit in the bar (Bar. If Player submitted to Scar there is also a new scene with bartender)
  • Bath with Hayden (Hot Spring. Submissive female version)
  • More conversation options with Hayden (Hot Spring. You can ask him about shopkeeper and blacksmith, he is more talkative if he likes the player. Also some backstory if his liking level is at least 35.)


  • Consequences (The bandits won’t be attacking anymore, unless morale drops below 25)


  • Morale (It’s important in certain areas. After dealing with Scar bandits will act differently and with high morale they won’t be attacking. I have something else planned for lizardman tribe)


  • Scene: Wererat and Young Man
  • Hayden
  • Fat Bandit
  • Troll


  • Price for sleeping in the bar is lowered.


Sorry for the delays with updates recently. I was being more busy lately and I didn’t have as much time as I would want to for this project. August may look similar, so I apologize in advance.

Thank you all for patient and indulgence.

I can only hope you will enjoy the update.



Will there be a special scene for stopping Logan from going to the camp? It just sucks that I now have to regress all of the progress I made to get back to that point and start over from there.


If it comes to Logan then the decision about letting him go to the camp or not will influence his later behavior. They won't be the same. But my time is limited and I'm not able to write everything at once. The other route will be more of a romance route, while the one I started now will be more about fucking.


Great work again, Hyao. Really enjoy your updates and don’t worry you’re still on time? LOL. Rest well my friend you deserve it.


I love this game, cuz it's fun and the amount of gameplay material is great, I didn't even notice the delay lol so thanks for the update


im having some difficulty finding the new areas. Is it a random chance for me to discover them as i explore other places?


me and my hoe ass waiting to marry the lumberjack and the shopkeeper


Hmm... A first new place appear if you are after the fight in the camp and after the talk in your house with Jester. If you did that in the previous update, the forest path should be available for you.


I would feel better if I was posting updates closer to 25th like it was before than in the last moment. But yes, I'm going to rest now, thanks ^^ (Maybe after some bug fixing :P)


I'm happy to hear that then. I hope you'll enjoy this update too!


It'll be easy with shopkeeper, he is into MC. Lumberjack on the other hand is more complicated :P

Red Rex

Im just hoping the expandable dog kennel means I can keep more pups there. The Werewolf, Tank, and Logan all would work great!


is there an easy way to lower sanity to see the troll game over?


Botom Logan hellllllllooooooooooo

Da Manki

IKR! that was unexpected and welcomed. glad i kept my saves before the choices.


Are there specific requirements for the Bar Entertainment quests? One save file have the quest infinitely repeatable while the other one can't even have it appear. Any hints?


No. The only requirement is it after day 5. The save file where it is repeatable infinitely had a mistake actually, that is why it was available all the time. I'll fix it in the next update.


But... But... They are not pups! Well... Werewolf kinda is, just a big one. Tank can act like one... But still!


can i ask on what you mean on bottom logn is it like an even ot something?


Wow, really like the new arts, troll and Hayden are both beyond my expectation. But am I the only one found some texts are placed a bit too low in dialogue box? like the texts showing after being submissive to Tank. Hyao u can also adjust the battle UI a little bit so that the dialogue box won't cover any part of the enemy figure. Other than that, A BIG THANK!


Go to the Sawmill at night after having encouraged him to go to the bandit camp.


Woof, that power bottom Logan <3


Text may sometimes be longer for a box. I'll fix it when I find places like that. But in the code unfortunately I can't check when the message is too long.

Ken West

Will there naked artwork for the bartender for those who choose to bottom for him. Also maybe naked artwork for hayden during sex scenes

Da Manki

thanks for the update! for bugs there is a scene where you roam the bandit camp and the NPC's reply doesn't seem to be appearing. the jester quests doesn't show the requirement to solve them (or is that on purpose?) do i have to volunteer to be the bitch or can i find someone else? i have a lot of candidate in mind lol. also that logan at night scene is hot. looking forward to him exploring more. XD


I get an exception when I try to sneak past the troll.


Ups, yeah. I found the thing about the not appearing answer. Thanks. You can find someone. For now there is only one person and you can find that person in the bar when the quest is active. It's an option for those dominant people :P


Yes, all of those guys will be naked. Zoroj is already working extra hard and I need to decide if I want to go with something new or variation for the old characters.


Hi Hyao! Thanks for the update! I'll be enjoying this one! :D


I can't get the quest to find the metal on a new playthrough. I had to reload to make Logan go to the camp but in that save going down to the mines only attracts rats/were rats. I do get the scene with the young boy and the wererat though.


Will there be other paths with Logan? Or is sending him to the bandit camp the only way to get involved with him?


While exploring the area close to the entrance there is 20% chance to find a single diabosite. After that you should have new talk option in the forge, the quest appear after the conversation. Did you do all that?


Where are the recipes for the energy drink? I don't if I can't find them or if my int is too low.


i saw in the dialogue that scar mentioned orcs, any chance we'll get to have some fun with them at some point? cant resist a buff hairy orc man ;P


In forest path you can find a new item called graple. When you do it for the first time there should be a longer message about the energy drink. After that you should have energy drink recipe learned.


hyao, when i was entertaining in the bar with arm wrestling, the text box disappeared after i won the 2nd round with the cocky guard and preluded my next match with the blacksmith. was there some errors with that?


Ok, I found the error. It should be fixed in the next update. Thanks!


Love the game! Every update has been great! I did find one bug in this version though. When you are at the river bank and you wander around, time is not passing...


Thanks, I'm glad you enjoying the game. Sorry for all the bugs you are encountering, sometimes it's hard to catchy everything, so I'm really grateful for all the reports. I actually forgot to put in the code the line that makes the time pass, I'll fix it in the bug fixing patch.

Chenyu Wen

with the completed pic, I find Hayden is ten times more handsome than I imagined before, the hot springs is getting hotter, someone should suggest him to install an AC there ha

Chenyu Wen

BTW in the relation column Hayden is still not yet updated with his handsome good looking


Does the new Logan Night Sawmill scene only appear if you didn't intervene with the bandits when you encourage him to go to the bandits? I had offered myself to save him and the new scene isn't appearing. Or is there some other trigger required?


If you encouraged him to go to the camp then you should have that option. If you talked with Logan after the doing everything in the camp then during the night when trying visiting the sawmill you trigger the event.


i cant for the life of me figure out how to get the logan scene


If you encouraged him to go to the camp then you should have that option. If you talked with Logan after the doing everything in the camp then during the night when trying visiting the sawmill you trigger the event.