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I wanted to ask you something about the main character of the game, because that can have influence on the scene artwork I will order.

I had a plan to make a small character customization (Body type, haircut, hair color, body color), but it would make difficult to make the art for the scenes because of the amount of variations the artist would have to make. If I would stick to this then most probably there would be more scenes involved other characters (Like with the masturbating bandits) than those with MC involved.

On the other hand I could give up on customization and just put one version of male and female character. That would lead to more artwork involving the MC.

We could find a middle ground here, by making MC a shadow figure in all the pictures involving them, but I'm not really sure I like that idea.

What do you think about it?



I must say, this is a hard decision. After thinking about it for a few minutes, I decided for the non customization because where is the point of making a character when you cant see them that often in action. But on the other side where is the point when there is a character when you don`t like how he is looking. Than you also don´t want to see them that often... A really hard decision here. But pleas no shadow figure everything is better than that


I think Character Customization would be awesome. I’ve always wanted to see my character on the equipment scene when I open it up.


That's exactly my problem! It would be nice to picture all those naughty scenes with the MC, but on the other hand one version of the MC won't be suitable for everyone. I mentioned shadow figure mostly because I saw it in other titles, but I'm not big fan of this idea.


Even if that means you could see your character mostly in the equipment screen?

Keldric Usugi

Maybe a good balance for this would be to have a Sprite that pops up during conversation with other characters that shows the customization, but not having much art that shows the character. That way we'd get to see it custom character interact with the world, but it wouldn't be a massive task for an artist.


I have prepared the message screen similar to the one with NPC, but with the place for the MC to appear on the left side. That would be another place where the character could be seen. So it's not like it wouldn't be show at all, just it would be difficult to make the real scene with MC.


I do hope that my MC can have an actual appearance, but I also don't want him to be excluded from scenes due to the difficulty of creating them. So I'd second the idea of having a middle ground. Like what @Keldric mentioned, the sprite of player's customized MC can pop up during conversations and stuff, but when it comes to specific scenes, it can be replaced by a much less detailed figure. (Kinda like how they do it in "Okinawa Slave Island". For instance: https://e-hentai.org/s/bdf3a4754d/346005-36)


Wow tough choice here probably less customisations but still a tricky choice

Duke Rocheister

I would recommend the middle ground. Kind of like a YCH character with no particular body type or such. That way we can still enjoy the scenes with the MC while not overexerting the artist. <3 seriously, though, I am enjoying what you are coming up with next! <3


Hmm... Maybe that could work. I guess some scenes could be from the MC perspective, so you could only see your enemy getting ready for some action (It could work for some masturbation scene or things like that) or it could go like in example you showed up. I have to think about it.


Yup, a tricky one. Each option have it's good and bad sides.


There is already some votes for the middle ground. Too bad I didn't put that option in the poll and now I can't edit the option settings. I'm glad you are already enjoying the game, I still hope that I can make it even better!


I've seen a game try the 'shadow' approach. Totally didn't work. Personally I like the npc/character artwork so much I'd barely want to see the main character in the screen.


I would like to avoid "shadow" approach as well, I'm not big fan of that either.


I don't necessarily need to see the MC in the artwork. Other games tend to have some faceless vague person in them. Probably you could have basic images and add the customization as overlays? For me the artwork of my opponents/partners is more than enough. I'd concentrate on that. :)


Focusing on opponents/partners would be the best, but having the artwork of the scenes would be amazing too. Decisions, decisions!


I personally love the customization options (especially if I can make my character very hairy, my personal preferences), I don't mind seeing the MC faded, but is there no way to make the scene load the a version of the MC the player had design? I am not a programmer myself, son I am just asking ;)


That version would still have to be drawn by the artist. It makes one scene very difficult to draw... or maybe not difficult, but rather time consuming. In each scene the MC would be in a different position, I can't just load a picture that I would be using in dialogues for examples. It would have to be draw over and over again in different situations.


Another idea could also be to have one or two versions you can pick from? Like two girls one a bit butch and one very feminine, and two men one again very masculine and one a little more androgyn? If that somehow lessens the work load? And then..maybe have some pictures that only show up for one of the body forms? Would give people a reason to try different bodytypes. Like if you pitched the masculine man and is dominating you get some scenes, and the androgyn man and is submissive you get some scenes. Same wityh the dominating and submissive female.

Chenyu Wen

Guess 0.9 will be ready soon, cant wait :D


That could work too, I guess. Give some variations, but not too many so drawing all the scenes won't be too time consuming anyway.

Marcus Green

So excited for the update! Do you plan to post this month?


Yes, it'll be posted today. Sorry for the delay. It was a busy month for me and at the end I had some issues with ren'py which caused a lot of things to not work.