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PC Version: Version 0.8.1

Mac Version: Version 0.8.1

Version 0.8.1

  • Some bug fixes (Mines, Relationship Screen)
  • Unlocked Jester fun section


New Enemy:

  • Fat Bandit (Track)

New Quest:

  • More diabosite (Bareshade / Forge)


  • Public bath, dominant scene with Drunkard (Hot Spring, only male)
  • Bath with Bernard (Hot Spring)
  • Bottoming to Hayden (Hot Spring, only male)
  • Conversation with Logan (Sawmill)
  • Conversation with Bartender (Bar)
  • Conversation with Blacksmith (Forge)
  • Young man and wererat (Bar / Basement)
  • Mine (Bar / Basement)

Bandit Camp:

  • Fun with Jester
  • Logan in trouble (Only if you encouraged him to do something with bandits, it may have consequences later.)
  • Tank’s anger


  • Hunting with Bernard, small addition (Forest, Abandoned Hut)
  • Guard’s Secret (Track)

New Items and Recipes:

  • Straight Potion, Gay Potion (A quick way to change the orientation)
  • New weapons (Available in the forge after finishing a quest)
  • Shoes (Because apparently walking barefoot all the time is weird)



  • Fertilizer is in the shop in Bareshade. Now you can build the Small Garden and plant berries.


  • Bandit’s masturbation scene (Bandit Camp)
  • Lizardman Warrior – not final version
  • Scar – not final version
  • Tank – not final version

All of those made by ZoroJ


I suggest keeping a save from before the update, just in case.

Also there are scenes that are one time event (Guard’s Secret, Logan in trouble, Tank’s anger). Some of them have different results and at least one will have consequences in the future updates.

Fat bandit is an alternative to the standard bandit, one of them can appear on the track. Still he has different attacks and scenes.

There’s at least one bug I wasn’t able to correct yet. The list of thing that can be build in the house is not appearing – it works after loading, not from the fresh start. So if someone is starting a new game I suggest to save the game before the moment you want to upgrade the house, then load and the list should be fine.

I will upload the final artwork in one of the bug fixes patches. They are not finished yet.

Thanks for supporting the project!



Keep up the good work my sir (^o^)


None of the artwork for any of the bandits is visible is this normal?


For now Scar and Bandit can be seen only in certain scenes by clicking "+" in the left upper corner. In the dialogues they are not implemented yet.


Love the update! found a bug when trying to excavate in the mine, it says 'check_equip_item' is not defined


If you download the file again it should work, I fixed it a moment ago. Sorry for that!


New update!! Unfortunately I'm a bit too busy recently, so I'll save this delicacy for later


At least you'll be after the first wave of bug fixes xD


I seem to have encountered a bug somehow. Whenever you go to Bernard and talk about hot spring, after the conversation ends and you quit out of the talk menu, the Bartender topic menu pops up.

jovuan Jackson

Day and time to take a bath with bernard?


Ops. I thought I fixed that, but apparently there was something else wrong there. Thanks. Should be working fine with the newest file.


Saturday or Sunday, after 18. But first you need to talk about it with him.

Chenyu Wen

thx for the update, you know what, I really like Jester and always want to have some fun with him in 0.7, finally I can do it now, GJ!

Chenyu Wen

And OMG, he is as cute and naughty as I imagined >/////<


Can you dom Jester in his fun scene? I haven't bothered with getting good rep with the bandits.

Draevok Grayson

Reading the notes... I take it there is no use for the Lizardmen's Tail until the next patch?


It seem i'm too late to save the different save, I already discouraged Logan and missed that one time event D; . Anyway Nice updated !! It's good that there are so many contents and lots of updates. Thanks for your hard work.


How do you have fun with Jester?


Hi Hyao! In the swamp, the Lizardman Warrior art is in JPEG instead of PNG. So, we can see the white background. Idk if ZoroJ knows about this. Thanks for the monthly updates! I like how you take the time to reply to the itch and patreon threads! It means a lot and it's good PR. :D


Is it possible to have the inventory & Alchemy station be sorted in alphabetical order?

Da Manki

Ooo can't wait to play this. Is the Dog fixed yet? Last time I couldn't do anything but rename it again and again.

Draevok Grayson

Or at least by type... like having the Pulps all close to each other, for instance.


I have done Guard’s Secret, Tank’s Anger and Fun with Jester but i can't see new art. The only one that i can see is the lizardman . Any idea why?


He's an interesting person. But he still have some secrets :D


You can. But it doesn't take into consideration the rep with bandits, there are three variations of the scene, all depends if the player is bottom, versatile or top.


Talk with Jester about him. Then you should have a new option in the conversation screen.


The art were not final like I mentioned. They weren't ready. I'm planning a bug fixing update today and I will upload the finished pictures. I'm trying to reply to everything. Which isn't easy, because notification on Patreon and Itchio aren't that great. So I'm always afraid I'm missing something :P


With the fresh start the dog should be working fine (At least I hope so). From a save the screen will be showing tricks at 0 experience points, but still they should be usable... I think.


I didn't have finished pictures when I uploaded the last version. So in those scenes the pictures should appear when you click on the "+" in the left upper corner. I'll check to make sure it works like intended. Anyway, today I'll upload a bug fixing patch and the finished pictures too.


How do I get the bath scene with hayden? Does he need to be at a certain level of affection with you?


Yes. At least level 15 and the option appears only in the evening (Also it's only for male bottom).


Also noticed a small error. When you accept the quest for the blacksmith about the diabosite, the quest screen says its location is the tailor, not the blacksmith. Just a small thing I figured I'd mention


Thanks! As this is not game breaking, I will leave it for now. But it'll be corrected in the next update.


Hi! Thanks for all your hard work. I'm male dom in the game and I'm trying to find the Guard's Secret event, but no luck. Can you help me?


First you need to meet Jester two times in a Bandit Camp and talk about the Guard with Bartender. Then there's a chance for this event happening when looking around the track, only at night (Between 20 and 6).

Chenyu Wen

still one more you didn't fix, after the guard secret event, if you go back to the town, and go to the caravan, the cocky guard's name is still wrong

Chenyu Wen

it shows [track_guard_name]

Chenyu Wen

and BTW, so the guard at the track, the guard at caravan and the guard at tavern are all the same guy name Gunnar right? You know what he is my second favorite character (just below Jester), hope can see his pic soon


It gets teased a lot, but will there ever be an option to actually be the entire Bandit camps bitch? Also the script when struggling against the bandits is in the wrong order. The bandits continue to use you when it says you escaped and vise versa.


Of course I had to forget about something. In the next update the name of the guard should be fixed. Yes, it's the same guard. I wasn't planning such a big role for him, but then suddenly people started asking for him... and here he is. Having bigger impact than some of the major NPCs


Huh. Thanks for that. I totally missed it. The thing with struggling bandit will be fixed in the next update. Yes, there will be an option to be a bandit camps bitch :P


I'm not sure that‘s a bug or not:I can't take any jobs from the Bartender after the update....In a sense,it's one of my main sources.XD


In the bar there are only four quests. Two of them can be done only once ("Noises in the basement", "Rats!"), the other two can be repeated after certain amount of time from finishing them once ("A person to rent should refresh after around 4 days, "Troublesome Customer" should refresh after around 7 days.)


Thank u and ZoroJ for creating and cultivating the game, I've been looking forward to every future update. BTW I hope my in-game character will be able to interact with Tank and Scar like other NPCs, and have some benefits from them :P.


There will be more interaction with Tank and Scar. I hope I'll be able to make some interesting boss fights with them. I hope you won't be disappointed with what I've planned for the future ^^

Da Manki

*plays "Logan in Trouble". hmm maybe i should encourage him to fight the wolves next.. i'm kidding i'm kidding! i'm not totally evil. thanks for the Logan scenes. I ended up saving him in the end (after seeing all the scenes lol) so I can comfort him a bit. :)


Love your consistency. Wonder if the Wolf quest will cause someone to transform into a werewolf... Werewolf boyfriend?


You are one of the two responsible for what happened to him!


I'm looking forward to next update , great job :D

Chenyu Wen

Check the incident on the track again, I cant help but think Scar is definitely someone important in Northcrest (bodyguard for an important guy there), forced to leave because of some political fight, and took the person he must risk his life to protect with him (which I think, very likely to be Jester, this explains why he doesn't look or sound that bandit)

Chenyu Wen

Thx for the reply, I have one question in my mind for a while, when you first time go to the lizardman tribe, you see the statue and have some fun with it, later find that the statue doesn't have penis (that part is a hole) and then Rhot shows up and want to have some more relief with you. So.... Does this mean its all Rhot there from the beginning? He use the hole to put in his..... OMG Rhot you are such a bastard :)

Flying Sailor

Hi ! I just got the public update 0.7.2 yesterday. Do I have to upload 0.8.1 first or can I go straight to 0.8.2 ? Thanks a lot. This game is fantastic.


I'm glad you like it! ^^ You don't have to download each version, just go straight to the newest one (0.8.2 in this case). I only have one suggestion - don't replace the old folder with the new one. There may be some unexpected issues when doing that.


Having met with Jester several times, the dialogue option to talk about the Guard with the Bartender doesn't pop up, is using my old save the problem?


I haven't been able to get any of the Hot Springs scenes, this one or the one from update 7. I play as a Dom Homo Top if it's relevant.


In a public bath if you are a dom male and have naughty fame at least five then there's one of two scenes happening.


The topic about the guard shows up only if you do something with the guard on the track first. Unfortunately for now it's only a bottoming, I need to make some small changes with those events on the track to adjust them. Old saves should be working.


I got a bug in the outdoor fun caravan scene in town, the guards name is [track_guard_name] XD. Also if we find any spelling errors, do you want us to tell you somewhere?


Are you playing version 0.8.2? That bug with the name should be fixed already. For now if there are any spelling errors, you can send them to me via private message.


Not sure if this was asked already since there are so many comments to fish through, but will the gay and straight potions be usable on NPCs in the future? Like using the Gay Potion on Logan or the Straight Potion on Hayden?


Um hi just wanted to say I love ur game and to ask if ur allowed to sleep with Bernard yet and if so how


I'm not sure to be honest. It was mostly to make it easier for the player to switch orientation if someone would like to do it.


Thanks, I'm glad you like the game ^^ I think I gave you an answer on itchio. But in case it wasn't you - For now there are two 'dates' with Bernard. It won't lead to any sexy scene. There is a way for a naughty fun with him if the player is a male, then using love potion on Bernard would lead to a new scene.


Also if it's not to much trouble could u tell me how to get planks


Hello, u can buy planks from Logan in sawmill. But be prepared it is a little bit pricy, 60g per unit.

Da Manki

Just saying I am loving the slow romance with Bernard. The gradual increase in "likes" and how it changes the scenarios that you've done before is enchanting. Also like how it shows more of Bernard's personality and how cute he is. Thanks for this romance route.

Chenyu Wen

I tried many times but cant see the "Bath with Bernard (Hot Spring)" event. Is there anything I missed? (already 65 like but cant talk about hot spring when meeting him in the shop)


Finally got to support! WOOT! Loving the game and can't wait to see what's new so far. Made a patreon account just for this.


The topic about Hot Spring shows up when you have a heart with Bernard. It appears if you do everything right during the hunting date.


Hey. Thank you very much for your support, I appreciate it! And I'm happy you like the game!


When I started working on this project I wasn't even taking into consideration any romance route. It had to be mostly a naughty game. But I have to say I'm having a lot of fun when writing those date scenes. But I also feel pressure, because I know they have to be good and with a lot of emotions :D I'm glad it ended well for now.

Chenyu Wen

One question again, how to make the dog learn "mount"? I go to the train console, the sit, help, search all show already know the trick but mount never show this message, what should I do? and what will I get after the dog learned mount?

Chenyu Wen

while training the mount skill, the discipline and give up affect the dominance, but I already get -50 and nothing is appeared?


In the future can there please be an option with the Fat Bandit of "Assume the Position" if the Bandits affection is high. This way he can give you a proper pounding.


I'm trying to do different position if it's possible. That one suited the character in my opinion. Right now there are two scenes with him - if his libido is less than 50 and the other one is when the libido is above 50. If we are talking about the result of a battle. Maybe I will add something else to this when I find some free time.

Da Manki

Just a suggestion, maybe there can be different result in enemies' affection depending on what you choose to do when they submit. for example bandit would hate it when i make them suck my character but likes it when i jerk them off. fat bandit seems to like it when he gets fucked, i.e.


Hey, I just got the stray dog to my house but every time I try to name him it doesn't work? Like, there is no option to confirm the name you've chosen? Also is there a discord?

Ken West

Hey i was just wondering if after the lost quest with lizard men is there is anything else to do with the lizard men


That would work if every bandit would have their own affection level. The bandit's attitude counts for the whole group. Right now with high attitude the bandits treats the player as a bitch. It would be weird if topping the fat bandit would lead to that thing. I would have to change some things and that mean staying in the current area for a longer period of time. I'm planning to do some adjustment to the stuff I made at the beginning, but I'm not sure yet how much I'm going to change.


It's ren'py thing. It should work the same way as when you wrote your name. Just write it and hit Enter. That should work. Still it only appear in the different screen in the reinforcement section. There is discord. The invitation link should be sent with the welcoming message.


No, there's not much more about the lizardmen yet I focused more on the bandits for now.


Hey, when we can get the horse?


I can't make any promises. I want to make a mechanic where an animal can be 'equipped', so dog could help the player in fight, while horse could lower the time travel. But I'm not sure I'll have time for it this month. If not then probably it will appear in the next month.


can i get tank to fuck me yet or is that not in the cards? ;P


I was able to get the dog, but I can only rename him. I don't get any other options. I've read some of the comments about being able to train it. Am I missing something?


I didn't finish changing that thing yet. In the reinforcement screen (The one in the house, with the tools) there will be a new icon for animals. For now it looks the same like others.


heres an idea, what if when you do outdoor fun: masturbation in bareshade at night theres a chance of a passerby joining in the fun depending on your orientation and position?


I'm planning to add more stuff to outdoor fun. I just can't find enough time to do so ^^'


Thank you for your hard work! I never interested in text-base RPG game but this is the first one I enjoyed a lot ^^