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PC Version: Version 0.7.2

Mac Version: Version 0.7.2


I created a discord channel and connected it with Patreon. I'm not sure it's working properly. Also I don't know yet how active I'll be on this channel. I'm pretty new if it comes to those things.

From Patreon's FAQ:

Patrons who were pledged to you before you set up your Discord Patreon roles will need to update their pledge, so that they can land back on the “thank you” page containing their invite to your Discord server.

Bug fixes (0.7.2)

  • Fixed error with teasing wererat
  • Fixed error with love potion on certain enemies
  • Unfortunately there's not much I can do about training dog. If anyone started training him in the update 0.6 then it won't be working properly with that save. You have to load a save from before update 0.6 or start from the beginning. It's not really important right now, it's just a small feature. Thanks Ray Law and LeoZodiacz for helping me with checking this bug.

Bug fixes (0.7.1)

  • White Berries can be bought from Witch
  • Alternative picture of bandit shows earlier
  • Regen Potion (And other new potions) should be working fine now
  • Relationship with Logan and Hayden should be visible in the relationship screen (There's not much with them for now, but you can see the bars)
  • At least few errors messages fixed

Part 1: Content

New Enemies:

  • Lizardman Acolyte
  • Huge Rat
  • Wererat

New Quests:

  • Noises in the basement (Bareshade / Bar)
  • Rats! (Bareshade / Bar)
  • Extra resources (Bandit's Camp / Jester)

New Options:

  • Hunting with Bernard
First you need to ask him about the hunting in the shop. Occurs every Friday evening. With the like at least 40 there’s an option which moves the relationship on the next level.
  • Outdoor fun (Bareshade)
  • Conversation with Jester (Bandit's Camp)
  • More topics with NPC's (Bareshade)
  • More scenes (Bareshade / Hot Springs)
Dominant (Male), Submissive (Female), bath with Hayden
  • Werewolf (Forest)
Dominant (Male)

New Items:

  • Regen Powder, Lust-Regen Powder, Erogenous Powder (All of those items can be found after defeating the acolyte. With item in your inventory you can do some study back at home to learn new recipes).
  • Nut Mash (Check the ‘old book’ in your house)

Part 2: Mechanic

Relationship Screen:

  • I decided to make those numbers visible, so now it’s easier to see how much certain people likes you.

Talk Screen:

  • The previous system was mostly rng, so to get all the talks sometimes there was need to repeat the same action over and over again. Now in certain places there’s a special window with the list of topics you can ask the other person (It also shows which topics are new).

Animal training screen:

  • It’s only dog for now, but it’s easier to see how the animal likes you, also how much energy it have (Which is needed to learn new tricks).
  • Dog can also be taught “Search” command now. It’ll bring back a random resource.

Part 3: Visual Aspect

  • Bandit (Third version)
  • Lumberjack
  • Werewolf

All of those made by ZoroJ

Final words

I wanted to thank you for all the suggestions. I already took some of them that were easier to implement and was fitting to the settings. I still have in my mind some of the others , but they will have to wait.

I also appreciate pointing out all the bugs and errors.


Little Wolf Blue Studios

little confused what exactly is happening here <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/zd6y5rbf46pxw9t/Screenshot%202019-04-27%2003.33.41.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/zd6y5rbf46pxw9t/Screenshot%202019-04-27%2003.33.41.png?dl=0</a>


A mistake in the code. It put a text here that shouldn't be here.


hmm, for some reason after crafting the first aphrodisiac every time i try to craft it it ends up failing


I think I found the problem. It should be fixed now (But you gonna have to download the game again)


Great update! Just wanted to send this over to be helpful. I'm getting this screen on the Find Jester menu: <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/em5qpgsm01op4ql/2019-04-27%2007_25_49-Lustful%20Desires.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/em5qpgsm01op4ql/2019-04-27%2007_25_49-Lustful%20Desires.png?dl=0</a>


Thanks. I was changing names of variables in that part of the code and it seems I missed a lot when doing that. I hope that's the last one. Fixed it, should work if you download the game again.


Has anyone gotten the hunting with Bernard quest I can’t seem to get it


It's not the quest. You need to talk with him about the hunting (The option appear after you are done with the Lost Friend quest and find everything in the hut). After you do the talk about it then go to the forest at Friday between hours 18 and 24 and you should have the event with him when visiting the hut.


The relations screen is empty for me. I just did the "defeat 3 werwolfes" quest for the Lumberjack and I also have done several "defeat x bandits" quests for Bernard in the past. Shouldn't these 2 NPC's be on my relations list then?


I have just downloaded the game and I'm enjoying it. One issue tho, I did the wererat quest and I found that "seduce" won't work on either Big Rat or Wererat, but their libido can be increased by lust potion. Id this supposed to be like this?


Another issue I have encountered is, after clicking the option "Find Jester", an error message appears.


It should appear after you done something that change the like level. Unfortunately it's not working with the thing you do in the past.


There's something wrong with the comments, because yours is not the first one that disappear. I'm still getting notification on email, so I can see them there anyway. Just not here on the site. If you download the game again the error with the jester should be fixed (I think). If it comes to the Big Rat it's working like intended.


Oh and one more suggestion here: I noticed that the third variation of aroused bandits only appears after his libido gets over about 80, right? Well, since I put more points into the appearance of my MC, after I use twice "seduce", the bandit's libido is at around 72-73, and the new variation won't appear; but after my 3rd seduce, he will be defeated so I still don't get to see the variation. So would you consider lower the libido threshold for variation change a little bit?

Hyou Vizer

the werewolf sprite is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay hotter than i ever imagined. im trying to craft more dominate potions to dominate them, where do i get drake root? i only have one for one potion and i forgot where i got it. edit: never mind, completely forgot i can buy it from the witch lol

Arkantos Kitsune

This might seem like a stupid question, but where do I find White Berries?


Aww, the hunting with Bernard is so romantic. I know this game is more about rough sex than romance but it's nice to have something that cute and romantic for a change. I really enjoyed it...very nice writing! And I'm very curious to see how this still kinda shy and innocent relationship with Bernard goes on from that point. My personal highlight of this update is the Outdoor fun option with the Caravan's horny guard. Oh that nasty guard really got me under his spell. xD I really can't get enough of him and this new encounter with him is just super hawt. I really hope he will cross our path in future updates again and again. Tbh I think he has the potential to become more than just a minor NPC. I'd love to visit him one day at his barracks and maybe he could introduce me to some of his horny mates as well. ;) And since I love the bandits so much I just can't stop thinking about some naughty encounters between those sexually corrupt guards and the lusty bandits. &lt;3 Also thank you very much for fixing the error screen issues so quickly. I really enjoyed this update and I'm looking forward to what you come up with next. On a small sidenote: For Jester's quests it would be nice to add the exact number of required material (beer or meat) to the quest description, like you did for other similar quests. And it seems I can't give a name to my dog. After typing a name for him and then pressing enter, he remains unnamed and I have the option to pick a name for him again.


Right now there's a chance for it only by using the dog command "Search". I forgot to put the item in the shop ^^' I will add it when I'm done with some bug fixes.


Yes, right now it's 75 to change the picture. I will lower it to 65 then.


You can buy it also from merchant on the track - but going to witch sounds like an easier option. ZoroJ did a great job with werewolf, I'm glad you like how it looks ^^


To be honest I wasn't planning to add any romance stuff in this project. It was supposed to be focused more on the naughty side. But people were asking about it, so I thought why not... So that's the effect. There are going be routes like that with other major NPCs as well. I'm not sure if with everyone, but with some of them for sure. Right now I'm focusing on Bernard. I'm glad you like the appearance of the Cocky Guard again xD It was fun to write this scene and I have to admit that giving them a little more background and personalities makes it more interesting. I guess he gonna have to get his own picture at some point. I actually thought there was numbers in the description of the quest. I will change that in the bug fixes update, thanks for pointing that out. I will also look closely at the issue with the dog.


Spotted another few issues: 1) dog training. This part is overall a bit confusing (to me). I mastered "sit" and "help", but cannot master "search" for some reason. For "sit" and "help", when you click the "use" button, their skill points go up (ex. 0/100 to 20/100), but for "search" it is always 0/100. In addition, after "sit" and "help" are mastered, their skill points are still displayed as 0/100 instead of 100/100 when you visit the training interface the next time. Also, I'm not sure how to raise the doggo's "like" level , which I assume is its affection towards you? I tried feeding more meat but it didn't work... And I'm also not sure where do I get to use the command "help", is it only avaiable when your house is being attacked by bandits?


About bandit attacks during midnight, I feel that after a few initial attacks, your house's defense is already raised too high. Once my base's defense goes beyond 70, the only effect bandit attacks could have was to wake my MC up at 2am, but no actual fight occurs.


2) Error message when trying to use the new items (regen items) during battle. 3) Error message when Top MC doing "Outdoor fun" -- "Caravan"


Fixed those tow I think. Do you remember what was the Caravan error? Something with tepm_char? Not uploading the new version yet, cause I still need to check the thing you mentioned about the dog training.


Yesssssssssssssssssss! :D


Loved the update, especially with the caravan men in the town, it is perhaps even my favorite scene so far! Can't wait to see what that cocky guard makes MC does next ;^) Keep up the good work!!! ♥️


Damn, he's getting more and more popular. I guess he is not a minor NPC anymore :D I'm glad you liked the update.


In terms of suggestions, I'm wondering if you have any plans to let the player dominate the bandits the same way that dominate you on the submissive route. Like,if you max out their dislike you can start bitching them/coerce them into sex without combat. Or maybe maxing dislike triggers an event that lets you dominate them more thoroughly. That could be a nice addition.


I have in mind something like this for the future. I have too many ideas and not enough time ^^'


did you change how to train the dog?


Hey how do I play this update while keep my old saves? If I can.


How could I tame the dog? I spent hours wandering I the town but found nothing :/


Yes. If you go to the screen where you could upgrade the hideout there will be a new button which leads you to the training screen.


You need to have at least 5 meats. When you entering the Bareshade after day 10 there is a chance for the dog to appear and if you have meat then you will have option to feed him. The easiest way is to leave and enter the town several times.


You don't really need to do anything. The saves should be there and it should work with the new update too.


I'm enjoying the new information about all the characters you've put in. I must say, after the basement event, the bartender is definitely an opportunist. He always takes advantage of the situation, whenever with the troublemaker and his money or your character and your body. I love scenes with chubby men like him and the merchant, and I'm hoping to see much more then quickies. With timed events like the clients in the bar and now the hunt with the shopkeeper, perhaps the bartender could offer you a "free" room in his home as his wife goes out on her weekly girls night out? I also enjoy the fact that if you automatically submit to bandits they'll steal from you, it is extremely fitting.


Just something curious, I tried to train my dog and I can mastered "Sit" and "Help" like normally, but training "Mount" and "Search" didn't go well.I trained multiple times but result were all the same that was 0/100. still Dog's dominant level adjust. Wondering if this is bug or I did something wrong?? Others things than that is still good, It's a nice update. I still exploring any possibilities and I love Bernard so much, He's so cute :D Looking forward to the next update with Lumberjack and Hayden. ps. Is there a scene with Hayden if you're dominant,right? I drank Dominant potion but it's not appear. My guessing is that my dominance level isn't high enough XD


Dominant scene in hot springs refers to the bathing with a stranger. You can't do much with Hayden yet. I'm glad you like the scene with Bernard. There are some variations over there and it looks slightly different the second time you do it. About the training... It works for me, I checked it yesterday after someone else reported it. But if more people have that issue there have to be something wrong there. I'll look into it.


That's the bartender for you. Always looking for a profit. Not necessary the coins. All of the main NPCs from Bareshade will have some content of their own. There will be time for bartender too. I think I will go with the flow and the bartender will also offer some insides info about other characters from Bareshade as well.


So about the dog training issue. It's still not working. I read @LeoZodiacz's comment and seems he is experiencing the same problem. The thing is, I have two savings, the dog training does not work only for one of my savings for some reason.


Having troubles finding the Outdoor scene and the Hot Spring one. Hayden I trigger with a private bath during the night but I tried all day in the Public one and no dice. Guy is a Hero dom top, if it makes a difference.


For some reason I can’t get the “Hunting with Shopkeeper” event to trigger either. I met all the prerequisites i.e i have at a level 60 relationship and I talked to him about the hunt. Also i visited the shop on a friday but the event just won’t drop.


Outdoor scenes are unlocked after your naughty fame is at least 10. Then you have a new option in the town. I will be reworking those things involving fame, because right now it's hard to get naughty fame high as a dom.


You don't need to visit the shop after that. Just go to the forest at the right time and visit the abandoned hut - the event is happening there.

Da Manki

Thanks for the update! There's a lot of things here. Loving the new scenes with the cocky guard. He still won't submit to me though. One day.. but I'm fine with it for now. XD Now that he keeps reappearing should he have a name? Also does masturbating outdoors do anything or do you finish by yourself all the time? I keep expecting someone to join..lol.


Is it right that the were rat's lust always stays at zero? At the same time he always seems to be horny enough to be ready whenever I submit. ^-^ PS: Great update! I love the new village activities. :)


Eh, masturbation was kinda rushed. I had much more planned for the outdoor fun, but it will have to wait for the next update. I didn't want to delay this one too much. So I'll probably make better description for that scene, adding also possibility of being caught. Plus there will be also some other options (With Troublemaker, Drunkard and another scene). At least I was able to make the scene with people from caravan, I was quite happy with the result. Artwork for cocky guard. Name for the cocky guard. What next? Romance with the cocky guard? :P


Huh. No, it shouldn't be like that. I need to check it then. I'm glad you like the update despite the bugs :P


With the dog, do you have plans for other animals? I am thinking about the doghouse and the stables here. Can we just expect more dogs and a horse or maybe something more exotic?


Yes, there will be more animals. I'm just slow with implementing those additional things. By the way did you managed to figure out what to do with the werewolves? I've got notification you were looking for them, but I can't see the comment anymore.


Hey, I got a game mechanics question. I'm planning on doing an optimized build regarding stat distribution, min maxing. My question is - If I put 10 points in to a stat, let's say endurance, and I equip armor or get a buff that pushes that stat past 11+. Will the game register the stats with 11+?


Yes. Right now there is no max limit if it comes to stats. Only at the beginning of the game there is a limit to prevent putting all of the starting points into single stat. Still I will be probably changing something with the stats itself. Like the chance of hitting the enemy.


Question, will there be an option to lift Bernard bridal/fireman style? Like really established the strength here. (And it'd be cute!) Also I have the bandit camp unlocked but I keep getting into this circle of "fight two bandits then have to leave" how do I enter the camp if possible? Right now I'm 'favorable' with badits with a 45 but I have tried with 100 favorability too, I wanna try this 'Extra resources' quest. Thank you for reading!


I'm not sure yet what scenes will be with Bernard, so who knows... Maybe there will be something like that too. About the bandit camp. Just go there at night.


Thank you! Also, how do you get the 'Mount' option for the dog? I saw someone up in the comments talking about it. I only have 'Help' 'Sit' and 'search'.


If you play with the wolves enough time that option should be available.


Ahhh, another suggestion! The artwork for the shopkeeper during the hunting experience perhaps show him again? Then when its time for bed could show him in the underwear pose as well. Way to reuse the artwork that displays such a fine specimen of a man.


Has anyone confirmed if the Discord connection is working yet? I've tried to update my pledge several times but it still won't show me the access link (though I have it set up successfully with other Patreons)


Several people joined, so I'm guessing it works. More or less :P


How do I get to bathe with Hayden? I did his quests and tried both public and private baths.


Thanks for the update. I loved the option to hunt with Bernard, he's still my favorite. And I can't wait to meet the bandit leader . About Jester, any chance of some naughty fun with him, in the future?


I had a plan to put something naughty with Jester in this update, but I didn't want to delay it any longer. So it'll probably happen in the next one.


how do i talk to bernard about hunting. I'm on day 47 and relationship is at 66.


Did you do everything about his friend? There's a quest Lost Friend. After that you still can unlock few things in the forest (Abandoned Hut). When you have that done there will be more talk option: Share more information, ask about friend. Then the option to ask him about the hunt should be available.

jovuan Jackson

I'm trying to go hunting with bernard but I can't I'm on Friday 20:30 daylight


It works on Friday between 18 and 24 at the abandoned hut in the forest. First you need to talk with Bernard about the hunt, this you can do in Bareshade in his shop.

jovuan Jackson

Okay does it has to be 40 because I have him at 56 in my other save file

jovuan Jackson

Hey does his infection has to be 40?