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What’s up late gang, night shifters, twilight gremlins I committed to getting this to you before the year was was complete and here it is!

What a hilariously fun way to cap it off! A massive thank you to so many of you that have stuck with me during this year and continue to do so.

This patreon has certainly experienced a lot of adjustments as I’ve gone but it’s always best for me to be honest with my limits as I come to understand my pace more

Appreciate all of you for taking part, lurking, commenting, voting and so on. The little chat function on the app is cool and I’m gonna try to put secret dlc content in there like mega rough idea sketches or ask you all what you think of something before I move forward on it.

Anyways, happy new year. Hope you all have a fantastic 2024 ☺️🙏




My man. You killed it with this. This is defiantly top 5 or 3 of the year. You ended this year with one hell of a bang.