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This is one for the books haha

I legit had so much fun doing this, from the poll itself, to the livestream sketching it out to stretching the creative muscles figuring out what a Senketsu on Nurse Joy would look like.

That being said I think that’s gonna be the meta going forward!

Every month there will be a character poll, then a livestream of me sketching it out. And for those who don’t make it I’ll keep some fun idle commentary going because I always liked drawing to artists drawing if that makes sense. Something about it keeps me inspired.

I apologize for being unable to follow through on the monthly tutorials, going into it I wasn’t sure what I was doing or where I was going with them, and as an artist who learned mainly thru observation, it makes it hard to deconstruct the ways I make art as it’s always been a subconscious thing if that makes sense.

Appreciate you guys bearing with me as I continue learning what’s best for my limits while at the same time figuring out what works for exclusive content that gets your moneys worth ☺️




Killed it chris! That chansey tho 😂