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We're in the thick of October and my mind is solely focused on this kickstarter and these statues at the moment as it's really all I have the mental bandwidth for this month but I do wanna take this moment to say a few things!

-NSFW hasn't ended, it will pick back up in November when all the craziness is over, same with the livestream!

-I saw that they added a shop in the new update, which will make things like that Patreon exclusive Bowsette print I did a few months back a lot easier to sell to you all!

-They also added 12-month memberships which I'll set up this month

-The patreon community chat-like discord type thing is up and running and definitely serves as a nice "in-between" from these community posts!

Thats pretty much it for now but if you have any thoughts on how stuff is going on this Patreon, please let me know :)


Here I encourage all of you to speak up about anything when it comes to art, hobbies, shows/movies/games you been enjoying...all is welcome! In addition to that, I'm going to pose a question to answer at the end of your comment or if you have nothing to say but want to join in and take part!

Question of the month: Simple question this month, what do you do to kill time in brief delayed moments like a line at the post office for example, or you're in the passenger seat on a long car ride, etc. (I'm gonna guess social media is a given)

For me it's pretty much 90% of the time gonna be a game of Marvel Snap, if any of you play, I love playing destroy, bounce and High Evo decks! Other then that im probably checking Pokemon card prices or if I have my son with me I'm probably hiding behind things and jumping out to surprise him lol. 



I would say 50/50 looking for new cooking recipes to test out or new things to do in the city.

Lil Will

My social media's are full of unsavory material so I just listen to music and/or think of school concepts; like, in my Geology course, I think of subduction, plutons, igneous rocks, outcrops, etc. Link the things I learn


LOL same. seems like you keep yourself challenged and learning even during downtime. I envy that trait honestly, I could use some more things to be Interested in other then video games and anime lol