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This is gonna be a special round of suggestions, not restricted to a theme this time! Feel free to suggest multiple options aswell, things you’d really like to see. Im gonna base the final list off some favorites and some of the top liked responses. Then going to take the top two voted suggestions and use them for September AND October! Mainly because I want to get the October character poll suggestion early so I can continue finishing prep work for Inktober :p

We’ll go back to themes for the Nov poll!!




Man, there are just so many. Videl has been on my wishlist for a while. Like a dynamic fighting or flying pose. Also Aqua from KH. Plenty of opportunities from Baldur's Gate 3 as well. I could see a sneaky Astarion done really well in your style. Or a Shadowheart pinup


Characters I don't see much fan art for that would be cool to see are Clementine (overlord) Neferpitou (Hunter x hunter) Rinia Dedorudia (jobless reincarnation) Alpha (heaven's lost property) I'm Sure there are more, I'll comment them when I get a chance to think more on it lol.