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I’ve been pretty heavily focused on Funko, prepping for a big presentation, but now it’s over and I’m back on the grind! Also jeez Gaurdians 3 is dark af, I’m impressed marvel went there.

Here I encourage all of you to speak up about anything when it comes to art, hobbies, shows/movies/games you been enjoying...all is welcome! In addition to that, I'm going to pose a question to answer at the end of your comment or if you have nothing to say but want to join in and take part!

Question of the month: What was one of the first things you really saved up for?

For me, it was a Wacom Cintiq, when I was around 15 I worked at Legoland and had that goal to get it for like a year straight. At that time there were no other life expenses, was just chillin in high school so I worked my ass off! To give you an idea, this cintiq was $2500 at the time! They’re much less expensive now, but once I finally got a hold of it life was good. I was taking on freelance work and everything, was really proud of myself that I earned that cintiq. Good and simple times!

Special mention to my Xbox 360 lol

Looking forward to hearing what that special thing was from y’all!



Definitely my switch I used my own work money for it and it was the first thing I bought and it was definitely worth it. Also Mr. Metzner I have a question for you, How did you get into drawing for funko?


Hell yes!! Was it right when it came out? Good times playing BOTW! I cold applied and they got back to me for an interview and I think what they liked most was that I brought in tons of sketchbooks showing them that I knew fundamentals like posing, rough sketching and dynamics. Also helped that at the time the creative department heads were very traditional art-type people, thats what got me the job, then after a few months I passed on the comment that I was a giant anime nerd and knew everything about all the characters and they didn't have anyone in concept like that so they tested me out on a few and I got it!


Ironically enough the first thing I really saved up for was one of your commissions 😅 before that most things I felt were kinda given to me. Taught me how rewarding it can be though :,)