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Happy June everybody!! Crazy we're on the fourth community post already!

Here I encourage all of you to speak up about anything when it comes to art, hobbies, shows/movies/games you been enjoying...all is welcome! In addition to that, I'm going to pose a question to answer at the end of your comment or if you have nothing to say but want to join in and take part!

I'm assuming its all Zelda, everyone is busy exploring Hyrule!!

Question of the month: If you could step into the world of any book/game/movie, what would it be?

Dude 100% Animal Crossing for me. You have any idea how awesome life would be if the main thing I had to worry about in life was paying back Tom Nook. I'm not a very adventurous person so while I'd be totally down to take a boat to different islands to check out the sights, the homebody within me would fit well with the daily routines that take place in the game, such as hitting up the shops, digging up a few money bags and just working on my art. With the hope that the theme song would be just playing on a loop in a godly echo in the skies continually pushing me to destress. and my main villain would only be the occasional cockroach in my house! Seems like a chill life.

How are y'all doin???



Probably in an harem anime lol


I wanna live in the Avatar (the show) world because I think it would be cool living in that sort of Diselpunk yet still mystical world. In terms of other things, I recently finished high school and I wanna take my artistic skills to the next level before I go to Big University so this summer I’m gonna draw as much as I can (without burnout) and even try and sell prints and stickers like Chris does. So thanks for being a really cool inspiration CMetzner :)


Haha im kinda with you on that, specially when I was playing the new PS5 rachett and clank game, freaking LOVED the aesthetic. thats awesome dude!! wish you luck at whichever university you end up and YES! Sounds like its gonna be a busy and creative summer for ya, if you're gonna sell prints I recommend finding a local printer to make them. (not Fedex or a chain) usually much much cheaper :)