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Nvidia is better for GPU then AMD imo if your gonna upgrade i would switch to that


You should check out the price to performance of the new cards. Definitely a better pickup then Nvidia atm


Fair from what ive heard its kinda like apple vs android thing where apple is nvidia and android is amd. from what i can tell with quick comparison search amd prob does have a slight edge for the money but nvidia is much more user friendly (I currently have a 5600xt amd which works pretty well) but ive been looking to switch recently cuz its always annoying downloading new drivers and shit compared to my friends who use nvidia and have an app for all that shit. plus amd takes more power consumption which may be the reason your stuff freezes from time to time but def could just be the age of the card


I currently have a Nvidia GPU, I could definitely see why amd would be worse if it's not user friendly. But i'm not gonna lie I've had it on auto update forever and it doesn't update it half of the time. The power consumption of all the new cards is a lot. For me it definitely comes down to price. In New Zealand the jack that shit up by an insane amount it's really unfair. If a card should cost 1000 usd in America it would cost 1700 usd here. It's like I already start loosing before I buy anything😭